Outputs: Publications by Cross-Sector - Traumatic Injury
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Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing
Agricultural tractor overturn deaths: Assessment of trends and risk factors
Myers JR and Hendricks KJ. Am J Ind Med 2010;53:662-672
Work-related non-fatal injuries to adults on farms in the U.S., 2001 and 2004
Goldcamp EM. Agric Saf Health 2010;16:41-51
Youth living on Hispanic-operated farms: Injuries and population estimates in the U.S., 2000
Layne LA et al. J Agric Saf Health 2009;15:377-388
Cost effectiveness of wearing head protection on all-terrain vehicles
Myers ML et al. J Agromed 2009;14:312-323
Prevalence of ROPS-equipped tractors on minority operated farms in the US
Myers JR. Am J Ind Med 2009;52:408-418
Epidemiology, surveillance, and prevention of farm tractor overturn fatalities
Cole HP et al. J Agromed 2009;14:164-171
Simple solutions for reduced fish farm hazards
Myers ML and Cole HP. J Agromed 2009;14:150-156
Work-related fatalities associated with tree care operations: United States, 1992-2007
MMWR, April 24, 2009/58(15);389-393
Injuries and fatalities to U.S. farmers and farm workers 55 years and older
Myers JR et al. Am J Ind Med 2009;52:185-194
Heat-related deaths among crop workers-United States, 1992-2006
MMWR, June 20, 2008/57(24);649-653
Commercial fishing fatalities-California, Oregon, and Washington, 2000-2006
MMWR, April 25, 2008/57(16):426-429
Narrative text analysis of Kentucky tractor fatality reports
Bunn TL et al. Accid Anal Prev 2008;40:419-425
Fatal and nonfatal occupational injuries involving wood chippers-United States, 1992-2002
MMWR, December 10, 2004/53(48);1130-1131
Injuries among Farm Workers in the United States, 1995
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2001-153 (May 2001)
International comparison of occupational injuries among commercial fishers of selected northern countries and regions
Abraham PP Barents Newsletter 2001:24-28
Injuries among Farm Workers in the United States, 1993
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 97-115 (April 1997)
Proceedings of the National Fishing Industry Safety and Health Workshop
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 94-109 (January 1994)
Fatal falls overboard on commercial fishing vessels in Alaska
Lucas DL and Lincoln JM. Am J Ind Med 2007;50:962-968
Hospitalized nonfatal injuries in the Alaskan construction industry
Husberg BJ et al. Am J Ind Med 2005;47:428-433
Unique occupational hazards of Alaska: Animal-related injuries
Mode NA et al. Wilderness Environ Med 2005;16:185-191
Alaska air carrier operator and pilot safety practices and attitudes: A statewide survey
Conway GA et al. Aviat Space Environ Med 2004;75:984-991
Surveillance and Prevention of Occupational Injuries in Alaska: A Decade of Progress, 1990-1999
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2002-115 (May 2002)
Alaska's model occupational injury program: Applying surveillance for effective public health practice
Conway GA et al. Int J Circumpolar Health 2001;60:714-723
Is it safe on deck? Fatal and non-fatal workplace injuries among Alaskan commercial fishermen
Thomas TK et al. Am J Ind Med 2001;40:693-702
Preventing commercial fishing deaths in Alaska
Lincoln JM and Conway GA. Occup Environ Med 1999;56:691-695
Alaska's model program for surveillance and prevention of occupational injury deaths
Conway GA et al. Public Health Rep 1999;114:550-558
Epidemiology of work-related aviation fatalities in Alaska, 1990-94
Garrett LC et al. Aviat Space Environ Med 1998;69:1131-1136
Surveillance for nonfatal work-related injuries in Alaska, 1991-1995
Husberg BJ et al. Am J Ind Med 1998;34:493-498
Surveillance of traumatic occupational fatalities in Alaska implications for prevention
Schnitzer PG and Bender TR. Public Health Rep 1992;107:70-74
Twenty years of NIOSH construction research
Howard J et al. J Saf Res 2010;41:187-188
Surveillance of nail gun injuries by journeymen carpenters provides important insight into experiences of apprentices
Lipscomb H et al. New Solut 2010;20:95-114
Fall hazard control observed on residential construction sites
Kaskutas V et al. Am J Ind Med 2009;52:491-499
Scissor lift safety-an initiative to model static stability
Ronaghi M et al. Prof Saf 2009;54:43-48
Development of the St. Louis audit of fall risks at residential construction sites
Kaskutas VK et al. Int J Occup Environ Health 2008;14:243-249
Prevention of traumatic nail gun injuries in apprentice carpenters: Use of population-based measures to monitor intervention effectiveness
Lipscomb HJ et al. Am J Ind Med 2008;51:719-727
Work-related injury deaths among Hispanics-United States, 1992-2006
MMWR, June 6, 2008/57(22):597-600
Disparities in work-related injuries associated with worker compensation coverage status
Nicholson VJ et al. Am J Ind Med 2008;51:393-398
Challenges in residential fall prevention: Insight from apprentice carpenters
Lipscomb HJ et al. Am J Ind Med 2008;51:60-68
Aerial lift fall injuries: A surveillance and evaluation approach for targeting prevention activities
Pan CS et al. J Saf Res 2007;38:617-625
Preventing Worker Deaths and Injuries from Contacting Overhead Power Lines with Metal Ladders
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2007-155 (September 2007)
Nail-gun injuries treated in emergency departments-United States, 2001-2005
MMWR, April 13, 2007/56(14):329-332
NIOSH Alert: Preventing Falls of Workers through Skylights and Roof and Floor Openings
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2004-156 (August 2004)
Occupational fatalities during trenching and excavation work-United States, 1992-2001
MMWR, April 23, 2004/53(15):311-314
Falls in residential carpentry and drywall installation: Findings from active injury surveillance with union carpenters
Lipscomb HJ et al. J Occup Environ Med 2003;45:881-890
Direct costs and patterns of injuries among residential carpenters, 1995-2000
Lipscomb HJ et al. J Occup Environ Med 2003;45:875-880
Work-related injuries in residential and drywall carpentry
Lipscomb HJ et al. Appl Occup Environ Hyg 2003;18:479-488
Nail gun injuries among construction workers
Dement JM et al. Appl Occup Environ Hyg 2003;18:374-383
Nail gun injuries in residential carpentry: Lessons from active injury surveillance
Lipscomb HJ et al. Inj Prev 2003;9:20-24
Work-related injuries in drywall installation
Lipscomb HJ et al. Appl Occup Environ Hyg 2000;15:794-802
Expanded analysis of injury mortality among unionized construction workers
Chen GX et al. Am J Ind Med 2000;37:364-373
The public health approach to occupational injury research: From surveillance to prevention
Stout NA. Saf Sci 2008;46:230-233
Obesity and workers' compensation: Results from the Duke Health and Safety Surveillance System
Ostbye T et al. Arch Intern Med 2007;167:766-773
Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses-United States, 2004
MMWR, April 27, 2007/56(16):393-397
Fatal occupational injuries-United States, 2005
MMWR, April 6, 2007/56(13):297-301
Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among workers treated in hospital emergency departments-United States, 2003
MMWR, April 28, 2006/55(16):449-452
Fatal injuries among volunteer workers-United States, 1993-2002
MMWR, August 5, 2005/54(30):744-747
Occupational injury mortality surveillance in the United States: An examination of census counts from two different surveillance systems, 1992-1997
Layne LA. Am J Ind Med 2004;45:1-13
Dying for work: The magnitude of US mortality from selected causes of death associated with occupation
Steenland K et al. Am J Ind Med 2003;43:461-482
Deaths due to injuries among employed adults: The effects of socioeconomic class
Steenland K et al. Epidemiology 2003;14:74-79
Comparison of two fatal occupational injury surveillance systems in the United States
Biddle EA and Marsh SM. J Safe Res 2002;33:337-354
Fatal Injuries to Civilian Workers in the United States, 1980-1995: National and State Profiles
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2001-129s (July 2001)
Fatal Injuries to Civilian Workers in the United States, 1980-1995: National Profile
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2001-129 (June 2001)
Fatal occupational injuries-United States, 1980-1997
MMWR, April 27, 2001/50(16):317-320
Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses treated in hospital emergency departments-United States, 1998
MMWR, April 27, 2001/50(16):313-317
Worker Deaths by Falls: A Summary of Surveillance Findings and Investigative Case Reports
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2000-116 (September 2000)
Traumatic Occupational Injury Research Needs and Priorities: A Report by the NORA Traumatic Injury Team
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 98-134 (June 1998)
Worker Deaths by Electrocution: A Summary of Surveillance Findings and Investigative Case Reports
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 98-131 (May 1998)
Fatal occupational injuries in the United States in 1980-1984. Results of the first national census of traumatic occupational fatalities
Stout-Wiegand N. Scand J Work Environ Health 1988;14(Suppl 1):90-92
Global Collaborations
Assessing the classification of work-relatedness of fatal incidents: A comparison between Australia, New Zealand, and the United States
Driscoll T et al. Inj Control Saf Promot 2002;9:32-39
Comparison of work-related fatal injuries in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand: Method and overall findings
Feyer AM et al. Inj Prep 2001;7:22-28
Use of narrative analysis for comparisons of the causes of fatal accidents in three countries: New Zealand, Australia, and the United States
Williamson AM et al. Inj Prep 2001;7(Suppl 1):i15-i20
Health Care and Social Assistance
Physical assault among nursing staff employed in acute care
Rodríguez-Acosta RL et al. Work 2010;35:191-200
Burden of injury and illness in health care as documented by surveillance systems
Boiano JM et al. Handbook of Modern Hospital Safety, 2nd edition, Charney W, ed, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press 2009:2.14-2.47
Use of employer administrative databases to identify systematic causes of injury in aluminum manufacturing
Pollack KM et al. Am J Ind Med 2007;50:676-686
Analysis of nonfatal and fatal injury rates for mine operator and contractor employees and the influence of work location
Karra VK. J Saf Res 2005;36:413-421
Multiple Sectors
Nonfatal work-related motor vehicle injuries treated in emergency departments in the United States, 1998-2002
Chen GX. Am J Ind Med 2009;52:698-706
The Cost of Fatal Injuries to Civilian Workers in the United States, 1992-2001
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2009-154 (August 2009)
Characteristics of occupational burns in Oregon, 2001-2006
Walters JK. Am J Ind Med 2009;52:380-390
Just in the wrong place...?: Geographic tools for occupational injury/illness surveillance
Neff RA et al. Am J Ind Med 2008;51:680-690
Occupational injury mortality: New Mexico 1998-2002
Mulloy KB et al. Am J Ind Med 2007;50:910-920
Completeness and accuracy of International Classification of Disease (ICD) external cause of injury codes in emergency department electronic data
Hunt PR et al. Inj Prev 2007;13:422-425
Fatal injuries at work: Massachusetts fatality update, 2005
Massachusetts Department of Public Health 2007:1-8
Public Safety and Emergency Response
Occupational injuries among emergency responders
Reichard AA and Jackson LL. Am J Ind Med 2010;53:1-11
NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program. Leading Recommendations for Preventing Fire Fighter Fatalities, 1998-2005
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2009-100 (November 2008)
Fatalities among volunteer and career firefighters-United States, 1994-2004
MMWR, April 28, 2006/55(16):453-455
Occupational Health Disparities
Traumatic occupational injuries in Hispanic and foreign born workers
Forst L et al. Am J Ind Med 2010;53:344-351
Utilizing hospital discharge data (HD) to compare fatal and non-fatal work-related injuries among Hispanic workers in New Jersey
McGreevy K et al. Am J Ind Med 2010;53:146-152
Possibilities and challenges in occupational injury surveillance of day laborers
Lowry SJ et al. Am J Ind Med 2010;53:126-234
Disparities in work-related injuries associated with worker compensation coverage status
Nicholson VJ et al. Am J Ind Med 2008;51:393-398
Work-related injury deaths among Hispanics-United States, 1992-2006
MMWR, June 6, 2008/57(22):597-600
Injuries to Youth on Racial Minority Farm Operations, 2003
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2007-163 (August 2007)
Injuries to Youth on Hispanic Farm Operations, 2003
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2007-162 (August 2007)
Injury and Asthma among Youth less than 20 Years of Age on Minority Farm Operations in the United States, 2000-Volume II: Hispanic National Data
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2006-109 (October 2005)
Injury and Asthma among Youth less than 20 Years of Age on Minority Farm Operations in the United States, 2000-Volume I: Racial Minority National Data
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2005-147 (July 2005)
Injuries to Youth on Hispanic Farm Operations
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2004-157 (June 2004)
Injuries to Youth on Minority Farm Operations
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2004-117 (December 2003)
An Overview of Safety and Health for Workers in the Horse-Racing Industry
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2009-128 (April 2009)
Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities
Work-related pilot fatalities in agriculture-United States, 1992-2001
MMWR, April 23, 2004/53(15):318-320
Work-related Roadway Crashes: Challenges and Opportunities for Prevention
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2003-119 (September 2003)
NIOSH Alert: Preventing Deaths and Injuries While Compacting or Baling Refuse Material
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2003-124 (July 2003)
Baler and compactor-related deaths in the workplace-United States, 1992-2000
MMWR, April 27, 2001/50(16):309-313
Wholesale and Retail Trade
Occupational fatalities, injuries, illnesses, and related economic loss in the wholesale and retail trade sector
Putz-Anderson V et al. Am J Ind Med 2010;53:673-685
Injuries to Youth on Farms and Safety Recommendations, U.S. 2006
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2009-117 (February 2009)
Injuries to Youth on Racial Minority Farm Operations, 2003
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2007-163 (August 2007)
Injuries to Youth on Hispanic Farm Operations, 2003
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2007-162 (August 2007)
Injuries to Youth on US Farm Operations, 2004
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2007-161 (August 2007)
Injury and Asthma among Youth less than 20 Years of Age on Minority Farm Operations in the United States, 2000-Volume II: Hispanic National Data
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2006-109 (October 2005)
Injury and Asthma among Youth less than 20 Years of Age on Minority Farm Operations in the United States, 2000-Volume I: Racial Minority National Data
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2005-147 (July 2005)
Injuries among Youth on Farms, 2001
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2004-172 (December 2004)
Injuries to Youth on Hispanic Farm Operations
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2004-157 (June 2004)
Injuries to Youth on Minority Farm Operations
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2004-117 (December 2003)
Safe Work for Youth in Construction: Information for Employers
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2004-113 (December 2003)
NIOSH Alert: Preventing Deaths, Injuries and Illnesses of Young Workers
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2003-128 (July 2003)
Fatal Unintentional Farm Injuries Among Persons less than 20 Years of Age in the United States: Geographic Profiles
NIOSH (DHHS) Publication 2001-131 (July 2001)
Injuries among Youth on Farms in the United States, 1998[PDF - 1594 KB]
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2001-154 (June 2001)
Youth agricultural work-related injuries treated in emergency departments-United States, October 1995-September 1997
MMWR, September 11, 1998/47(35);733-737
- Page last reviewed: October 9, 2012
- Page last updated: October 9, 2012
- Content source:
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Division of Surveillance, Hazard Evaluations and Field Studies