Application of the Framework
The degree of impact is not necessarily a progression; therefore, events captured may not be reflected at every domain. At each domain, a number of key indicators are identified that can be tracked. A health outcome is the ultimate goal – driven by the 5 domains of influence. Elements are to the “right” of “process” in an “input-process-output” logic model. These elements represent domains of influence by CDC science.

CIOs, Divisions, and Branches may prospectively track the impact of their science or activities that have a strong scientific component using
- Specific/individual scientific documents
- Guidelines and Recommendations or G&R (e.g., how many state health departments are implementing specific G&R)
- Major peer- review manuscripts, etc.
- Scientists
- Hopefully may result in culture change in performance evaluation from current emphasis on number of publications (academic angle) to impact of work (public health angle)
- Broader activities
- Projects
- Programs
Allow for rolling up information about impact at the CIO and at the agency level
- QPR presentations could allow for some across-the-agency comparisons
Assist with communication about what CDC does and what effect its work has on people at home and abroad and globally
Provide consistency of narrative/facts, but adjusted for different audiences
- Periodic/annual reports
- Congressional briefs
- Video clips for public
- Page last reviewed: June 15, 2017
- Page last updated: June 15, 2017
- Content source:
- Office of the Associate Director for Science