For Parents of Young Children
These materials provide information on how you can help protect your young children from whooping cough (pertussis) by following the recommended childhood vaccination schedule.

“A Gift for Lily” Book [29 MB, 21 pages]
The Rhode Island Department of Health has created a children’s book (8-1/2″ x 11″) about protecting babies from whooping cough by making sure everyone in the family is up-to-date with whooping cough vaccines.
Fact Sheets

Whooping Cough for Parents: The Basics [2 pages]
This 8-1/2″ x 11″ factsheet describes symptoms of infection as well as benefits and risks of vaccination.
This fact sheet is also available in Spanish [2 pages].

Whooping Cough for Parents: In Depth
This 8-1/2″ x 11″ factsheet offers a story from a family affected by whooping cough. It also describes symptoms of infection, benefits and risks of vaccination, details about the vaccine, and history of the disease.
These fact sheets are also available in Spanish.
Protect Babies from Whooping Cough
Whooping cough can be deadly for babies. Learn how to protect them through vaccination.
This infographic is also available in Spanish.
Whooping Cough Infographic Web Buttons
Also available are web buttons that link to the infographic that you can use on your Web site, social network profile, or blog.

In the Battle against Whooping Cough, She Needs More than Cute [1 page]
This 18″ x 24″ poster emphasizes the safe, proven protection of vaccines, with a focus on whooping cough.
Order free small quantities (CDC-INFO product #221542)
Whooping Cough Vaccine Recommendation for Babies and Young Children (3:25 minutes, Date Released: 1/22/2015)
This podcast provides information about whooping cough and the recommendation that all children receive the DTaP vaccine, according to CDC’s recommended schedule, to help protect them from this serious disease.
This podcast is also available in Spanish.
The Immunization Baby Book (4:16 minutes, Date Released: 6/9/2014)
For parents there’s no greater joy then watching your child grow up happy and healthy. That’s why most parents choose the safe, proven protection of vaccines. Flipping through this baby book, you can learn what vaccines babies need, when they’re needed, and why it’s so important to follow CDC’s recommended immunization schedule. Immunization gives you the power to protect your baby from 14 serious childhood diseases by age 2.
Immunization Action Coalition Pertussis Videos
The Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) offers a variety of videos showing babies and children with whooping cough.
Web Feature
Help Protect Babies from Whooping Cough
Whooping cough is very contagious and can cause serious illness—especially in babies who are too young to be fully vaccinated.
This web feature is also available in Spanish.
- Page last reviewed: August 7, 2017
- Page last updated: August 7, 2017
- Content source: