Public Health Emergency Response (PHER) Grant (2009-2010) for H1N1 Influenza Pandemic

Congress appropriated funding in June 2009 through the 2009 Supplemental Appropriations Act for the “Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund” to prepare for and respond to an influenza pandemic. This funding provided the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other federal and state agencies with resources to respond to ongoing and emerging outbreaks of novel H1N1 influenza in the United States. CDC administered $1.4 billion through the Public Health Emergency Response (PHER) grant to upgrade state and local pandemic influenza preparedness and response capacity. The 62 awardees included 50 states, 8 territories and freely associated states, and 4 localities (Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles County, California; New York City, New York; and Washington, D.C.). Funding was distributed in phases.
PHER Phase I
Phase I funding of $260 million was intended to help PHER awardees assess their existing capabilities in pandemic influenza response and to address remaining gaps in two focus areas as described below. This funding was allocated using a population-based funding formula. Funds were awarded beginning July 31, 2009.
- Focus Area 1: $195 million – Vaccination, Antiviral Distribution/Dispensing and Administration, and Community Mitigation Activities
- Focus Area 2: $65 million – Laboratory, Epidemiology, Surveillance Activities
An additional $248 million in PHER Phase II funding was released to supplement the original $260 million and was intended to provide additional resources for mass vaccination planning and implementation preparedness activities. Phase II funding could also be used for vaccine delivery, vaccine administration, and related communications planning and implementation. Phase II funds were allocated using a base-plus-population formula. Funds were awarded beginning August 21, 2009.
A total of $846 million in PHER Phase III funding was awarded for implementation of the 2009 H1N1 influenza mass vaccination campaign at the state, local, tribal, and territorial levels. Phase III funds were allocated using a base-plus-population formula, with 100% of the funds available beginning September 28, 2009.
A total of $49.7 million in PHER Phase IV funding was awarded to 15 states and localities to complete their H1N1 vaccination programs, specifically targeting high-risk populations, minority and hard-to-reach populations, and underserved and vulnerable populations that may were unable to access vaccination services previously. Phase IV funds were allocated using a base-plus-population formula, with 100% of the funds available beginning March 18.
PHER Funding Table – Phases I, II, III, and IV
- Page last reviewed: April 25, 2017
- Page last updated: April 25, 2017
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