X. Injury Prevention and Control
FY 2000 Performance Plan - Revised Final FY 1999 Performance Plan
Intimate Partner Violence
In 1994, almost 5,000 women in the United States were murdered. In those homicide cases when the FBI knew the relationship between the offender and the victim, 87 percent of the women were killed by someone they knew; approximately half of the women were murdered by an acquaintance, a spouse, or someone with whom they had been intimate. These deaths are only a small fraction of the intimate partner violence problem in America. The vast majority of assaults on women do not result in death, but in physical injury and severe emotional distress. In 1985, the most recent year for which we have data, an estimated 1.8 million women were physically assaulted by male partners.
The problem is difficult to study because there are many barriers to disclosure. Consequently, much remains unknown about the factors that increase or decrease the likelihood that men will behave violently towards women, the factors that endanger women or protect them from violence, and the physical and emotional consequences of such violence for women and their children. Greater knowledge of modifiable factors that are causally related to intimate partner violence, methods of violence, and consequences of such violence will lead to the development of new prevention strategies.
In 1994, the CDC began funding projects to determine how effective specific prevention or intervention programs are in preventing intimate partner violence and sexual assault and how to effectively combine specific prevention or intervention programs to prevent intimate partner violence and sexual assault. The expansion of this program will lead to greater knowledge of modifiable risk factors and consequences associated with the development of effective prevention and intervention strategies for intimate partner violence and sexual assault.
Performance Goals and Measures
Performance Goal: Reduce the incidence of intimate partner violence.
Performance Measure:
FY Baseline | FY 1999 Appropriated | FY 2000 Estimate |
Baselines will be established by the communities participating in the Intimate Partner Violence Program.. | Establish at least one system for collecting Intimate Partner Violence surveillance data representative of an entire state, by the year 2000. | |
Increase (a) by 5% the number of coalition members' working partnerships, or (b) by 15% the community's knowledge of resources, or (c) by 10% the number of calls to agencies from communities with coordinated community responses on Intimate partner violence prevention and intervention in at least two communities by the year 2000. | ||
7 (1994) community-based programs. |
The number of state and community-based intimate partner violence and sexual assault projects will be increased from 7 to 31 in FY 1999. |
Verification/Validation of Performance Measure: These programs are supported by the Violent Crime Reduction Trust Fund. Programmatic oversight will be used to verify and validate this performance measure.
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