Census Regions of the United States
This web page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being updated. Newer data is available on the STD Data and Statistics page.

West | Midwest | South | Northeast |
Alaska | Illinois | Alabama | Connecticut |
Arizona | Indiana | Arkansas | Maine |
California | Iowa | Delaware | Massachusetts |
Colorado | Kansas | District of Columbia | New Hampshire |
Hawaii | Michigan | Florida | New Jersey |
Idaho | Minnesota | Georgia | New York |
Montana | Missouri | Kentucky | Pennsylvania |
Nevada | Nebraska | Louisiana | Rhode Island |
New Mexico | North Dakota | Maryland | Vermont |
Oregon | Ohio | Mississippi | |
Utah | South Dakota | North Carolina | |
Washington | Wisconsin | Oklahoma | |
Wyoming | South Carolina | ||
Tennessee | |||
Texas | |||
Virginia | |||
West Virginia |
- Page last reviewed: January 7, 2014 (archived document)
- Content source: