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Figure 8. Chlamydia — Percentage of Reported Cases Among Women by Reporting Source*, United States, 2007–2016

Figure 8. Bar graph showing percentage of reported cases of chlamydia among women in the United States from 2007 to 2016 by reporting source. The data represented in this figure can be downloaded at

* Includes the top five reporting sources for chlamydia cases reported among women, plus those with reporting sources listed as “All Other” and “Missing/Unknown”.

HMO = health maintenance organization; HD = health department.

NOTE: All Other includes: Drug Treatment, Tuberculosis Clinic, Correctional Facility, Blood Bank, Labor and Delivery, Prenatal Care, National Job Training Program, School-based Clinic, Mental Health Provider, Indian Health Service, Military, Emergency Room, STD Clinic, HIV Counseling and Testing Site, and Other.
