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2014 West Africa Outbreak

Interviews and additional information related to the 2014 West Africa Outbreak is available on the CDC In The News page.

CDC Videos

Dr. Frieden Discusses Guinea Declaration

Published December 29, 2015

On December 29, 2015 WHO announced that Guinea is free of Ebola virus transmission for the first time since the epidemic began. Dr. Frieden sends his congratulations, and discusses what’s needed to prevent future cases of Ebola.

French Version

The Road to Zero: CDC’s Response to the West African Ebola Epidemic, 2014–2015

Published July 9, 2015

From its origins in Guinea early in the year of 2014, the Ebola virus caught the world off guard moving swiftly to neighboring Liberia and Sierra Leone claiming thousands of lives and requiring a massive global response to help bring it under control.

Read the full Road to Zero report for more information about CDC’s response to the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Ebola video: What Airline Crew and Staff Need to Know

Published October 2, 2014

Includes information about Ebola, how to protect yourself when traveling to countries with Ebola, what is being done to stop the spread of Ebola, what to do with an ill passenger, and additional resources and information.

Ebola PSA from First Lady of Guinea, Hadja Djene Kaba Condé (in French)

Published September 23, 2014

(In French) The First Lady of Guinea, Hadja Djene Kaba Condé, delivers a PSA about Ebola. Washing hands well can help protect yourself and your family from Ebola and also other diseases. Ebola is a very serious disease. But it is possible to survive and heal with proper medical treatment. If you or someone you know thinks he has the disease, go to the hospital immediately for treatment.

Ebola and Contact Tracing

Published September 17, 2014

The video describes contact tracing, a method used by CDC and partners to identify new Ebola cases quickly and isolate patients as soon as they show symptoms, preventing spread to others. The video demonstrates how even one missed contact can keep Ebola spreading and that careful tracing of contacts and isolating new cases can stop the outbreak.

Before and After: Ebola Isolation Ward Makes Improvements

Published August 29, 2014

Watch this Before and After Tour of Ebola Isolation Ward safety improvements to compound in Lagos, Nigeria.

CDC in the Field: Greg Trains Contact Tracers

Published August 27, 2014

Join Greg as he heads into the field for contact tracing of Ebola patients.

CDC in the Field: Greg

Published August 26, 2014

Watch this CDC in the Field Video Diary from Greg as he listens to the sounds of Sierra Leone outside the Ebola Surveillance unit.

CDC in the Field: Greg tracks down Ebola contacts

Published August 25, 2014

In can be a bumpy ride tracking down Ebola contacts. Find out how it's done from Greg.

CDC Disease Detectives: LT. Kelsey Mirkovic

Published August 18, 2014

LT. Kelsey Mirkovic, a CDC disease detective, was deployed to Guéckédou, Guinea in response to the 2014 Ebola outbreak. She shares her experience visiting area villages, making contact with people, and how much she received.

White House Videos

President Obama Speaks on Ebola

Published September 16, 2014

Speaking at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, President Obama provides an update on the U.S. plan to help combat the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. September 16, 2014.

President Obama Delivers a Message to West Africans on Ebola

Published September 2, 2014

In a video address, President Obama speaks to the people of West Africa regarding America's support in combating the Ebola outbreak.