Areas with Risk of Yellow Fever Virus Transmission in South America

Map is current as of January 2017. This map is an updated version of the 2010 map created by the Informal WHO Working Group on the Geographic Risk of Yellow Fever.
See the traveler’s health website for any recent updates on risk areas.
Note: Because of an ongoing outbreak of yellow fever in eastern Brazil, yellow fever vaccination is now recommended for travelers going to more areas than are shown on this map. Please see the Yellow Fever in Brazil travel notice for details about the yellow fever outbreak and the most current map showing all areas for which yellow fever vaccination is currently recommended in Brazil.
Download South America Map pdf version [PDF – 1 page]
Data Table: Countries with risk of yellow fever virus (YFV) transmission1
- Argentina2
- Bolivia2
- Brazil2
- Colombia2
- Ecuador2
- French Guiana
- Guyana
- Panama2
- Paraguay
- Peru2
- Suriname
- Trinidad and Tobago2
- Venezuela2
1Countries/areas where “a risk of yellow fever transmission is present,” as defined by the World Health Organization, are countries or areas where “yellow fever has been reported currently or in the past, plus vectors and animal reservoirs currently exist”.
2These countries are not holoendemic (only a portion of the country has risk of yellow fever transmission).
- Page last reviewed: August 21, 2015
- Page last updated: June 19, 2017
- Content source: