Template:ICH Treatment

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Elevating head of bed

  • 30 degree elevation will help decrease ICP[1]

Blood Pressure

  • Few studies on optimal management however many guidelines recommending moderate reduction, often a goal systolic of 140-160's
  • Rapid SBP lowering <140 has been advocated with early research showing improved functional outcome[2], but more recent work has found no difference between SBP <140 and <180[3]
  • SBP >200 or MAP >150
    • Consider aggressive reduction w/ continuous IV infusion
  • SBP >180 or MAP >130 and evidence or suspicion of elevated ICP
    • Consider reducing BP using intermittent or continuous IV meds to keep CPP >60-80
  • SBP >180 or MAP >130 and NO evidence or suspicion of elevated ICP
    • Consider modest reduction of BP (e.g. MAP of 110 or target BP of 160/90)

Reverse coagulopathy


  • Give protamine 1mg/100units of heparin based on time since last dose


  1. Stop warfarin
  2. Give Vitamin K 5-10mg IV INR will decrease over 24-48 hours (small risk of anaphylaxis with IV Vitamin K)
  3. Give 4 Factor prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC)


  • Includes aspirin, prasagril, clopidogrel
  • Consider Desmopressin (0.3mcg/kg)
  • Transfusion of platelets has been shown to increase mortality[4]

Fondaparinux or Rivaroxaban

  • rFVIIa 2mg (40 mcg/kg)
  • Or PCC 25-50 U/kg
  • Don't give both 2/2 to prothrombotic effects


  • Idarucizumab (Praxbind): 5 grams IV (approved as of October 2015)
  • rFVIIa 100 mcg/kg
  • Or PCC 25-50 U/kg
  • Consider DDAVP 0.3 mcg/kg
  • Hemodialysis, if feasible

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