Radiation Thermometer
The purpose of the radiation thermometer is to put common radiation doses in perspective. This tool can help people assess their own risk in a radiation emergency.
Radiation dose represents the amount of radiation absorbed by the body and is measured in millisieverts (mSv) [pronounced MIH-lee SEE-vert] or rem (1 rem equals 10 mSv). The millisievert unit of measurement is used internationally while the rem is used in the United States.
To use the tool, move the slider with the cursor, use the + or − buttons, or select a value from the drop-down menu. The following information will be displayed as the slider moves:
- Radiation dose in mSv and rem
- Examples of common radiation sources at that dose
For more information on radiation dose, see http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/dose.html
Radiation Thermometer Tool
Text Version

Exposure Value
Within range of radiation levels from everyday living
Above range of radiation from everyday living, but no harm expected
Increased risk of harm later in life (symptoms may take decades to appear)
Radiation sickness is likely (symptoms may appear in days or weeks)
Death may occur in hours to days
*This is a logarithmic scale, where each gray line represents a ten times increase or decrease in the dose, rather than a one unit increase or decrease.
[1] CDC. Acute radiation syndrome: A fact sheet for physicians [online]. 2013. Available from URL: http://emergency.cdc.gov/radiation/arsphysicianfactsheet.asp
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[3] National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP). Ionizing radiation exposure of the population of the United States. NCRP 2009;160.
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[6] Eisenbud M, Gesell T. Environmental radioactivity. 4th ed. Oxford (UK): Academic Press; 1997.
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[8] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). PAG manual: Protective action guides and planning guidance for radiological incidents (draft for interim use and public comment) [online]. 2013. Available from URL: http://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-06/documents/pag-manual-interim-public-comment-4-2-2013.pdf
[9] U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular. Radiation exposure of air carrier crewmembers – FAA AC 120-52 [online]. 1990. Available from URL: http://www.solarstorms.org/FAAAirlines.html
- Page last reviewed: December 16, 2016
- Page last updated: December 16, 2016
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