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By Topic - Radiation Basics

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Acute Radiation Syndrome: A Fact Sheet for Physicians

Information for clinicians on Acute Radiation Syndrome, Prenatal Radiation Exposure and Cutaneous Radiation Injury.

CDC Website Clinicians

Cutaneous Radiation Injury (CRI)

Information for clinicians on Cutaneous Radiation Injury.


Website Clinicians

Educational Videos -- Protective Actions, Pharmaceutical Countermeasures, and Health Effects

These videos describe what protective actions you can take in a radiation emergency, the possible health effects of radiation exposure and contamination, and medical treatments that may be available to you.

CDC Video Clinicians, Public Health Professionals, First Responders, Medical Examiners

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Calculate Your Radiation Dose

Provided by the EPA, a form where one can calculate the amount of radiation they are exposed to.

EPA Website Clinicians, Public Health Professionals, First Responders, Medical Examiners

Health Effects of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation

From 1990: A book looking at the health effects from exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation.

National Research Council's Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations (BEIR) PDF Clinicians, Public health professionals, First responders

Infographic: Decontamination for Yourself and Others

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An infographic detailing how to decontaminate yourself or someone else.

More information can be found at How to Self-Decontaminate, Decontamination-Helping Others, and Decontamination-Pets

CDC PDF, Image Clinicians, Public health professionals

Infographic: How Potassium Iodide (KI) Works

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An infographic detailing what potassium iodide (KI) is, how it works and when you should or should not take it.

More information can be found at Countermeasures: Potassium Iodide.

CDC PDF, Image Clinicians, Public health professionals

Infographic: How Prussian Blue Works

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An infographic detailing what Prussian blue is, how it works and when you should or should not take it.

More information can be found at Countermeasures: Prussian Blue.

CDC PDF, Image Clinicians, Public health professionals

Infographic: Improvised Nuclear Device (IND)

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An infographic detailing what an improvised nuclear device (IND) is, main dangers and how you can protect yourself.

More information can be found at More Types: Improvised Nuclear Device and Other Nuclear Weapons.

CDC PDF, Image Clinicians, Public health professionals

Infographic: Nuclear Power Plant Incident

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An infographic detailing the main dangers of a nuclear power plant incident and how you can protect yourself.

More information can be found at More Types: Nuclear Power Plant Incident.

CDC PDF, Image Clinicians, Public health professionals
Showing 1 to 10 of 29 entries