Information on Substance Index for ToxFAQs™
All ToxFAQS followed by an * Other Languages... are available in the following languages:
- Acetone | Acetona
- Acrolein | Acroleína
- Acrylamide * Other Languages...
- Acrylonitrile | Acrilonitrilo
- Aldrin/Dieldrin * Other Languages...
- Aluminum * Other Languages...
- Americium | Americio
- Ammonia | Amoníaco
- Aniline | Anilina
- Antimony | Antimonio
- Arsenic * Other Languages...
- Asbestos | AsbestoAmianto
- Atrazine | Atrazina
- 1,3-Butadiene * Other Languages...
- 1-Bromopropane * Other Languages...
- 2,3-Benzofuran | 2,3-Benzofurano
- 2-Butanone | 2-Butanona
- 2-Butoxyethanol and 2-Butoxyethanol Acetate | 2Butoxietanolyacetatode2butoxietanol
- Barium | Bario
- Benzene * Other Languages...
- Benzidine | Bencidina
- Beryllium | Berilio
- Bis(2-chloroethyl) Ether | Éter bis(2-cloroetílico)
- Bis(chloromethyl) Ether | Éter bis(clorometílico)
- Blister Agents HN-1HN-2HN-3 Nitrogen Mustards | Mostazas de Nitrógeno (HN-1, HN-2, HN-3)
- Blister Agents: Lewisite (L), Mustard-Lewisite Mixture (HL) | Lewisita (L), Mezcla de Mostaza-Lewisita (HL)
- Blister Agents: Sulfur Mustard Agent H/HD, Sulfur Mustard Agent HT | Mostaza de Azufre (H/HD, HT)
- Boron * Other Languages...
- Bromodichloromethane | Bromodiclorometano
- Bromoform & Dibromochloromethane | Bromoformo y dibromoclorometano
- Bromomethane | Bromometano
- Cadmium * Other Languages...
- Calcium Hypochlorite/Sodium Hypochlorite | Hipoclorito de Calcio/Hipoclorito de Sodio
- Carbon Disulfide | Disulfuro de carbon
- Carbon Monoxide * Other Languages...
- Carbon Tetrachloride | Tetracloruro de Carbono
- Cesium | Cesio
- Chlordane | Clordano
- Chlordecone | Clordecona
- Chlorfenvinphos | Clorfenvinfos
- Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins (CDDs) | Dibenzo-p-dioxinas policloradas (DDPCs)
- Chlorine * Other Languages...
- Chlorine Dioxide & Chlorite | Dióxido de cloro y clorito
- Chlorobenzene | Clorobenceno
- Chlorodibenzofurans (CDFs) | Dibenzofuranos policlorados (DFPC)
- Chloroethane | Cloroetano
- Chloroform * Other Languages...
- Chloromethane | Clorometano
- Chlorophenols | Clorofenoles
- Chlorpyrifos | Clorpirifos
- Chromium * Other Languages...
- Cobalt | Cobalto
- Copper | Cobre
- Creosote | Creosota
- Cresols * Other Languages...
- Crotonaldehyde | Crotonaldehído
- Cyanide | Cianuro
- 1,1-Dichloroethane | 11Dicloroetano
- 1,1-Dichloroethene | 1,1-Dicloroeteno
- 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane | 1,2-Dibromo-3-cloropropano
- 1,2-Dibromoethane | 1,2-Dibromoetano
- 1,2-Dichloroethane | 1,2-Dicloroetano
- 1,2-Dichloroethene | 1,2-Dichloroethene
- 1,2-Dichloropropane | 1,2-Dicloropropano
- 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine | 1,2-Difenilhidracina
- 1,3 Dinitrobenzene & 1,3,5 Trinitrobenzene | 1,3-Dinitrobenceno (1,3-DNB) y 1,3,5-trinitrobenceno (1,3,5-TNB)
- 1,4-Dioxane * Other Languages...
- 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine | 3,3'-Diclorobencidina
- DDT, DDE, DDD * Other Languages...
- DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide)
- Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) | Di(2-etilhexil) ftalato (DEHP)
- Di-n-butyl Phthalate | Di-n-Butil Ftalato
- Di-n-octylphthalate (DNOP) | Di-n-octilftalato (DNOP)
- Diazinon * Other Languages...
- Diborane | Diborano
- Dichlorobenzenes | Diclorobencenos
- Dichloropropenes * Other Languages...
- Dichlorvos | Dichlorvos
- Diethyl phthalate | Dietil ftalato
- Diisopropyl Methylphosphonate (DIMP) | Diisopropyl Methylphosphonate (DIMP)
- Dinitrocresols | Dinitrocresoles
- Dinitrophenols | Dinitrofenoles
- Dinitrotoluenes | Dinitrotoluenos
- Disulfoton | Disulfotón
- Endosulfan | Endosulfán
- Endrin (Endrin aldehyde) | Endrina
- Ethion | Etión
- Ethylbenzene * Other Languages...
- Ethylene Glycol * Other Languages...
- Ethylene Oxide | Óxido de etileno
- Gasoline, Automotive | Gasolina de automóvil
- Glutaraldehyde * Other Languages...
- Guthion * Other Languages...
- 2-Hexanone | 2-Hexanona
- Heptachlor/Heptachlor Epoxide | Heptacloro/Epóxido de Heptacloro
- Hexachlorobenzene | Hexaclorobenceno
- Hexachlorobutadiene * Other Languages...
- Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) | Hexaclorociclohexano
- Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCPD) | Hexaclorociclopentadieno (HCCPD)
- Hexachloroethane | Hexacloroetano
- Hexamethylene Diisocyanate (HDI) | Diisocianato de Hexametileno (HDI)
- HMX (Octogen) | HMX
- Hydraulic Fluids | Fluidos hidráulicos
- Hydrazines | Hidracinas
- Hydrogen Chloride | Cloruro de hidrógeno
- Hydrogen Peroxide | Peróxido de Hidrógeno
- Hydrogen Sulfide Carbonyl Sulfide | ÁcidoSulfhídrico
- Hydrogen Sulfide Carbonyl Sulfide | ÁcidoSulfhídrico
- n-Hexane | n-Hexano
- 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-Chloroaniline)(MBOCA) | 4,4'-Metilenbis-(2-cloroanilina) (MBOCA)
- 4,4'-Methylenedianiline | 4,4-Metilendianilina
- Malathion | Malatión
- Manganese * Other Languages...
- Mercury * Other Languages...
- Mercury * Other Languages...
- Methoxychlor | Metoxicloro
- Methyl Isocyanate | Metil Isocianato
- Methyl Mercaptan | Metil mercaptano
- Methyl Parathion | Metilparatión
- Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) | Éter metil terbutílico (MTBE)
- Methylene Chloride | Cloruro de Metileno
- Mirex | Mirex y clordecona
- n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine | n-nitrosodi-n-propilamina
- n-Nitrosodimethylamine | n-nitrosodimetilamina
- n-Nitrosodiphenylamine | N-Nitrosodifenilamina
- Naphthalene, 1-Methylnapthalene, 2-Methylnapthalene | Naftalina, 1-metilnaftalina, 2-metilnaftalina
- Nerve Agents (GA, GB, GD, VX) | Agentes neurotóxicos (GA, GB, GD, VX)
- Nickel | Níquel
- Nitrate and Nitrite
- Nitrobenzene | Nitrobenceno
- Nitrogen Oxides | Óxidos de Nitrógeno
- Nitrophenols | Nitrofenoles
- Parathion
- Pentachlorophenol | Pentaclorofenol
- Perchlorates | Percloratos
- Phenol * Other Languages...
- Phosgene * Other Languages...
- Phosgene Oxime | Oxima de fosgeno
- Phosphate Ester Flame Retardants * Other Languages...
- Phosphine | Fosfina
- Plutonium * Other Languages...
- Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) | Polibromobifenilos
- Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) * Other Languages...
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) * Other Languages...
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) * Other Languages...
- Propylene Glycol | Glicol de propileno
- Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids | Piretrinas y Piretroides
- Pyridine | Piridina
- Selenium | Selenio
- Selenium Hexafluoride | Hexafluoruro de selenio
- Silver | Plata
- Sodium Hydroxide | Hidróxido de sodio
- Stoddard Solvent | Solvente Stoddard
- Strontium | Estroncio
- Styrene * Other Languages...
- Sulfur Dioxide | Anhídrido Sulfuroso
- Sulfur Mustard | Mostaza de Azufre
- Sulfur Trioxide & Sulfuric Acid | Anhídrido sulfúrico y ácido sulfuric
- Synthetic Vitreous Fibers | Fibras Vítreas Sintéticas
- 1,1,1-Trichloroethane | 1,1,1-Tricloroetano
- 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane | 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
- 1,1,2-Trichloroethane | 1,1,2-Tricloroetano
- 1,2,3 Trichloropropane | 1,2,3 Tricloropropano
- 1,3,5 Trinitrobenzene & 1,3 Dinitrobenzene | 1,3-Dinitrobenceno (1,3-DNB) y 1,3,5-trinitrobenceno (1,3,5-TNB)
- 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) | Trinitrotolueno (TNT)
- Tetrachloroethylene (PERC) * Other Languages...
- Tetryl | Tetril (2,4,6-trinitrofenil-N-metilnitramina)
- Thallium | Talio
- Thorium | Torio
- Tin and Compounds | Estaño y Compuestos de Estaño
- Titanium Tetrachloride | Tetracloruro de titanio
- Toluene | Tolueno
- Toluene Diisocyanate / Methylenediphenyl Diisocyanate * Other Languages...
- Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) | Hidrocarburos totales de petróleo
- Toxaphene | Toxafeno
- Trichlorobenzenes | Triclorobencenos
- Trichloroethylene (TCE) * Other Languages...
- Tungsten | Tungsteno
- Vanadium * Other Languages...
- Vinyl Acetate | Acetato de vinilo
- Vinyl Chloride * Other Languages...
The ATSDR ToxFAQs™ is a series of summaries about hazardous substances developed by the ATSDR Division of Toxicology. Information for this series is excerpted from the ATSDR Toxicological Profiles and Public Health Statements. Each fact sheet serves as a quick and easy to understand guide. Answers are provided to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about exposure to hazardous substances found around hazardous waste sites and the effects of exposure on human health.
Each ToxFAQs™ is available in both the standard HTML format below
or in the PDF format which provides the familiar two page print
version widely used at community meetings and distributed via our
mailing list. This PDF format requires
Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded free from the Adobe web site.
Where can I get more information?
You can get further information on our web site about all the ATSDR Toxicological Profiles and how they are developed. You can also get a longer version of these ToxFAQs™ , called the Public Health Statements, from the Public Health Statements (PHS) home page as well as from each of the ToxFAQs™ links below.
ATSDR can tell you where to find occupational and environmental health clinics. Specialists in these clinics can recognize, evaluate, and treat illnesses resulting from exposure to hazardous substances. You can also contact your community or state health or environmental quality department if you have any more questions or concerns.
Further information can be obtained by contacting the ATSDR Information Center at:
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Division of Toxicology and Human Health Sciences
1600 Clifton Road NE, Mailstop F-57
Atlanta, GA 30333
Phone: 1-800-CDC-INFO 888-232-6348 (TTY)
Email: Contact CDC-INFO
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- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
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