Injury and Violence Prevention Podcasts
Featured Podcast: Teen Driving
Putting young drivers behind the wheel of a motor vehicle is risky enough without adding alcohol to the equation. In this podcast, Dr. Ruth Shults discusses the dangers of teen drinking and driving. Series Name: A Cup of Health with CDC.Listen here (5:18)
- What We're Learning About Deaths from Unintentional Injuries This report describes the leading causes of death from unintentional injuries and discusses how raising awareness about the causes of death is key to preventing unintentional injuries and reducing the number of deaths that result.
Listen here (10:29) |
Listen here (0:59)
- Injury Prevention Research Research provides the knowledge that we need to understand what is possible, what is not, and the best way to proceed in our intervention efforts.
Listen/Watch here (2:27)
Home and Recreational Safety
Keeping Kids Safe
- Keeping Kids Safe The leading cause of death among kids 19 years and younger is unintentional injuries, or accidents. Dr. Julie Gilchrist discusses how to prevent these injuries among children.
Listen here (5:14) |
Listen here (0:59)
- The Choking Game Can Be Deadly CDC’s Dr. Robin Toblin discusses a dangerous activity that has resulted in some children’s deaths.
Listen here (4:48) |
Listen here (0:59)
- Gastrointestinal Injuries from Magnet Ingestion in Children CDC’s Dr. Julie Gilchrist discusses the unique risks associated with small magnets to young children.
Listen here (5:09) |
Listen here (1:26)
- A Time To Act This podcast reviews the steps you can take to keep your family safe in case of a home fire.
Listen here (3:51)
Dog Bites
- So Your Child Wants a Dog… Our question this week is from a mom whose child is begging to get a dog. She's concerned that dogs are unsafe.
Listen here (4:05)
- Staying Safe Around Dogs After a Disaster Dogs can be scared and stressed after a natural disaster and may be more likely to bite or scratch.
Listen here (0:50)
- Protecting Yourself and Your Family Against Poisonings Dr. Len Paulozzi, Medical Epidemiologist, offers some poisoning prevention tips for audiences of all ages.
Listen here (2:59)
Older Adult Falls
- Falls Among Older Adults Falls are the leading cause of injuries for people over age 65 years, and this broadcast discusses the causes of these falls and how to prevent them.
Listen here (3:42) |
Listen here (0:59)
- Preventing Older Adult Falls and TBI This podcast offers advice on how to prevent falls and discusses warning signs of traumatic brain injury.
Listen here (2:37)
- Adult Falls CDC’s Dr. Judy Stevens discusses the risk factors associated with falls in older adults and practical methods to prevent them.
Listen here (5:35) |
Listen here (0:59)
Injury Prevention
- Health Begins at Home Clean and well-maintained homes can prevent many illnesses and injuries. Thes audio and video podcasts discuss how good health begins at home.
Listen/Watch here (3:29)
- Preventing Chain Saw Injuries After a Disaster If you must use a chain saw, follow the instructions to be safe. Wear a hard hat, safety glasses, ear plugs, thick work gloves, chaps, and boots.
Listen here (0:49)
- Staying Safe In Your Home During a Hurricane If you are not ordered to evacuate, and you stay in your home, there are things you can do to protect yourself and your family.
Listen here (0:50)
- Staying Safe Around Buildings Damaged After a Disaster After a hurricane, stay away from damaged buildings until building inspectors say it’s safe to enter.
Listen/Watch here (0:53)
- Power Tools: Nail Down Safety First CDC studied data on patients with nail-gun injuries treated in U.S. hospital emergency departments during 2001–2005.
Listen here (7:34) |
Listen here (0:59)
Water-Related Injury Prevention
- Staying Safe On The Water In this podcast for all audiences, Dr. Julie Gilchrist from CDC's Injury Center outlines tips for safe boating.
Listen here (3:45)
- Staying Safe In The Water In this podcast, Dr. Julie Gilchrist, talks about staying safe in the water. Tips focus on preventing drownings and keeping children safe in and around the pool, lake, or ocean.
Listen here (5:38)
Injury Response
- Blast Injuries: What Clinicians Need to Know In this podcast Dr. Richard C. Hunt provides a brief overview for health care providers on how to respond and care for persons injured by an explosion or blast event.
Listen here (2:57)
- Field Triage Decision Scheme: The National Trauma Triage Protocol In this podcast Dr. Richard C. Hunt provides an overview on the development process and scientific basis for the revised field triage guidelines.
Listen here (5:28)
- Advances in Crash Response In this podcast Dr. Richard C. Hunt discusses the benefits of using an Advanced Automatic Collision Notification system to help with emergency triage of people injured in vehicle crashes.
Listen here (4:56)
Motor Vehicle Safety
Teen Driving
- Teen Drinking and Driving Putting young drivers behind the wheel of a motor vehicle is risky enough without adding alcohol to the equation. In this podcast, Dr.Ruth Shults discusses the dangers of teen drinking and driving.
Listen here (5:18)
- Teen Drinking and Driving Nearly one million high school students age 16 and older drank alcohol and got behind the wheel in 2011. This podcast discusses the importance of preventing teenagers from drinking and driving.
Listen here (0:59)
- Teen Driver Safety One of the highlights of a teenager’s life is getting a driver’s license. However, motor-vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among adolescents in the U.S. In this podcast, Dr. Arlene Greenspan discusses ways to keep new teen drivers safe behind the wheel.
Listen here (4:12)
- Teen Driver Safety Motor-vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among adolescents in the U.S. This podcast discusses graduated drivers’ license programs and the importance of parents monitoring teen driving.
Listen here (0:59)
- Staying Safe Behind the Wheel The leading cause of death for all teens is motor-vehicle crashes. Dr. Arlene Greenspan discusses four things parents can do to help their teens become safer drivers.
Listen here (5:01) |
Listen here (0:59)
- Global Road Safety Week: Teen Driver Safety Former CDC Director, Dr. Julie Gerberding, discusses the important role parents and guardians play in keeping teen drivers safe and how graduated licensing systems (GDL) can help.
Listen here (4:25)
Child Passenger Safety
- Vital Signs - Child Passenger Safety This podcast is based on the February 2014 CDC Vital Signs report. Over the past 10 years, more than 9,000 children 12 and under died in motor vehicle crashes, and a third who died in 2011 weren't buckled up. Buckling up is the best way to reduce injuries and save lives.
Listen here (1:15) |
en Español (2:01)
- Child Passenger Safety PSA This 60 second public service announcement, based on the February 2014 Vital Signs release, discusses the importance of buckling up to reduce injuries and save lives.
Listen here (1:00)
- Restrain Your Children This podcast encourages proper use of safety seats and seat belts to help protect children from serious injury or death as a result of motor vehicle accidents.
Listen here (5:19) |
Listen here (0:59)
- Buckle ‘em Up In the U.S. in 2007, more than 600 children under age eight were killed and over 75,000 were treated for injuries suffered in a crash. In this podcast, Dr. Arlene Greenspan discusses the importance of child safety seats in motor vehicles.
Listen here (0:59)
- Are We There Yet? Parents should be concerned about the safety of children in vehicles. Dr. Arlene Greenspan discusses correct methods of securing children in child safety seats.
Listen here (0:59)
Impaired Driving
- Sober Driving In 2007, nearly 13,000 people were killed in a crash in which at least one driver had a blood alcohol content above the legal limit. In this podcast, Dr. Ruth Shults discusses the dangers of drinking while under the influence.
Listen here (3:28) |
Listen here (0:59)
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Watch Your Head Brain injuries can happen in a car, at home, on the playground, or while playing sports; they can result in severe disability and even death. In this podcast, Dr. Chris Taylor discusses the dangers of brain injuries.
Listen here (4:51)
- Heads Up! Play it Safe When it Comes to Concussions CDC's Dr. Julie Gilchrist discusses the “Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports” tool kit, which provides information on preventing, recognizing, and responding to a concussion.
Listen here (6:49)
- Head's Up! CDC has developed Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports—a free tool kit to help youth sports coaches, parents, and athletes recognize and respond to concussion symptoms.
Listen here (0:59)
- Know the Facts: Understand Concussion This podcast discusses concussions and provides information to help people better understand concussion.
Listen here (1:11)
- What You Need to Know About Concussion This podcast provides the essential facts about concussions and describes symptoms, danger signs, and ways to recover and heal after a concussion.
Listen here (2:24)
- Taking Care After a Concussion This podcast describes how to take care of yourself after a concussion, including proper recognition and response recommendations.
Listen here (1:27)
- Talking to Your Patients: A Clinician´s Guide to Treating Mild Traumatic Brain Injury This podcast describes how to talk to your patients and provide health information about mild traumatic brain injury (mild TBI) that may help ease their concerns and can give them tools to help speed their recovery.
Listen here (2:36)
Violence Prevention
Electronic Aggression
- Electronic Aggression New forms of electronic media, such as blogs, instant messaging, chat rooms, email, text messaging, and the internet are providing new arenas for youth violence to occur.
Listen here (12:32)
Intimate Partner Violence
- When Closeness Goes Wrong Dr. Michele Black discusses a link between intimate partner violence and illnesses and risk factors such as HIV or sexually transmitted diseases.
Listen here (8:22)
Sexual Violence
- Sexual Assault Awareness Month This podcast discusses sexual violence—what it is, the long-term health problems it can contribute to, and tips to stop it before it begins.
Listen here (2:03)
Suicide and Trauma
- Coping with Traumatic Events Tragedies affect all of us in different ways. Some people might react to the stress immediately, while others may not experience stress until later.
Listen here (2:05)
- Alcohol and Risk of Suicide Each year in the U.S., more than 30,000 people die of suicide. In this podcast, CDC's Dr. Alexander Crosby discusses the link between alcohol use and suicide.
Listen here (4:01) |
Listen here (0:59)
- Traumatic Events and Suicide Feeling like you want to give up or thoughts of suicide are a sign that you need help. You can get help by calling the national hotline at 1-800-273-TALK.
Listen here (1:14)
- Coping With Depression and Thoughts of Suicide After a Disaster After a natural disaster, it is normal to feel sad, mad, or guilty—you may have lost a great deal.
Listen here (0:48)
- Preventing Suicide in Young People Dr. Keri Lubell discusses the importance of prevention and the roles individuals can play to help prevent those rates from increasing further.
Listen here (6:51) |
Listen here (0:59)
- Toxicology Testing and Results for Suicide Victims In 2003, 31,484 suicides occurred in the United States. To assess the contribution of substance use to suicide, CDC analyzed test results of suicide victims in 13 states.
Listen here (4:59) |
Listen here (1:25)
Violence in the Workplace
- Workplace Safety and Women This women's health podcast focuses on four important issues for women at work: job stress, work schedules, reproductive health, and workplace violence.
Listen here (7:41)
- Violence on the Job (Part 1) Simply earning a living may expose you to the risk of violence, or even worse. Discover the environments most often associated with workplace violence.
Listen/Watch here (11:55)
- Violence on the Job (Part 2) Violence in the workplace is more common than you may think. Occupational health experts offer strategies on how to protect ourselves from danger on the job.
Listen/Watch here (8:54)
Youth Violence
- Break the Silence/Stop the Violence For parents, preparing teenagers for dating can be a tough time - preparing kids for difficult situations, knowing when there is a problem, and providing guidance.
Listen/Watch here (4:36)
- Keeping Schools Safe from Violence This podcast discusses preventing student homicides in school.
Listen here (6:32) |
Listen here (0:59)
- Reducing Youth Crime School-based youth violence prevention programs have been proven effective at reducing violence, truancy, drug abuse, and delinquency.
Listen here (4:50) |
Listen here (0:59)
- Page last reviewed: January 31, 2014
- Page last updated: October 21, 2014
- Content source:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control