Map Details - Diabetes Hospitalizations and Access to Health Care Services
Impact Statement
The map shows the distribution of patients at or below the poverty level that were hospitalized for type II Diabetes along with health care services for diabetes patients. Many health care services with diabetes resources are concentrated in the same general areas, and this map indicates where additional resources may be needed. The rural landscape poses an additional challenge to accessing health care resources.

The map shows the distribution of patients at or below the poverty level that were hospitalized for type II Diabetes along with health care services for diabetes patients. Many health care services with diabetes resources are concentrated in the same general areas, and this map indicates where additional resources may be needed. The rural landscape poses an additional challenge to accessing health care resources.
Software Used
Arc Map 10.2, SAS v9.2
Data Used
Georgia Hospital Discharge Data (2009-2013), Federally Qualified Health Care Centers for Georgia was collected from the Health Resources and Services Administration. A list of pharmacies was compiled for the Waycross Public Health District using information available from pharmacy websites. Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) sites were obtained from the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) and the American Diabetes Association (ADA).
Methods Used
Diabetes hospital morbidity data was analyzed using SAS 9.2. Diabetes counts were analyzed at the census tract level for Georgia and the Waycross Public Health District. Only individuals whose payment source as Medicaid, Self-Pay, PeachCare, or Other were included in the analysis. ArcMap was used to display counts by census tract and to plot health care services.
Contact the Submitter of this Map
Victoria Davis, Epidemiologist, Georgia Department of Public Health
How to Cite this Map
Davis, V.; Ido, M; Kumar, G.; Bayakly, R. “Number of Individuals at Poverty Level Hospitalized due to Type II Diabetes, by Census Tract, and Health Care Services” [map]. November 2015. Georgia Department of Public Health.
Accessed from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Chronic Disease GIS Exchange
- Page last reviewed: July 7, 2017
- Page last updated: July 7, 2017
- Content source: