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Map Details - States with Laws on Competitive Foods in Schools

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Impact Statement

This map shows states with competitive foods laws, includes Hawaii and Alaska as small inserts, a description of competitive food, and uses the title as the legend by inserting a colored square Inform policy. The map shows that many states have such laws, yet Michigan is not one of them. It also shows that there are strong geographic clustering of areas with laws, for example, most of the eastern seaboard states.

States With Laws on Competitive* Foods in Schools

Software Used

ArcGIS 9.3

Data Used

List of states with laws on competitive foods in schools.

Methods Used

Using ArcGIS turn table list into easily visualized map of US identifying states with laws.

Contact the Submitter of this Map

Henry L Miller, Departmental Specialist, Michigan Department of Community Health
(517) 335-8779

How to Cite this Map

States with laws on competitive* foods in schools Miller, Henry; Michigan Department of Community Health, [TODAY’S DATE].