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Prevent T2 Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the new PreventT2 curriculum?

The new PreventT2 curriculum, launched in March 2016, is based on the original 2002 Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) trial and follow-up studies for the prevention of type 2 diabetes (T2). This new curriculum still promotes modest weight loss (5%-7% of current weight if overweight or obese) and increased physical activity through a 12-month lifestyle change program. The curriculum also reflects new literature on self-efficacy, physical activity, and diet.

2. Why did CDC develop a new curriculum?

CDC wanted to provide an approved curriculum at no cost to increase the number of organizations offering the lifestyle change programs. The original CDC curriculum is still valid, as are other curricula that have been approved by the CDC’s Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program (DPRP). The PreventT2 curriculum is an additional curriculum option that meets the current Standards.

3. What is different about this new curriculum?

The look and feel of the PreventT2 curriculum is different, building on lessons learned from the previous curriculum, including new topics proven to promote success. The sequence of modules has also changed. Introductory and closing module topics are the same, and there is a recommended sequence for the first 6 months. Then, lifestyle coaches can choose sequencing for months 7-12, based on interests and needs of participants, for greater flexibility.

Some modules have also been combined into fewer sessions: PreventT2 has 9 session options for months 7-12, compared to 16 possible sessions in the original National DPP curriculum. This change in the PreventT2 curriculum was because data indicated that many organizations have been delivering 9 sessions on average during months 7-12, even though more were provided.

Based on social science research, the new English curriculum was written at the sixth-grade reading level, and the new Spanish curriculum was written at the fifth-grade reading level, as were the accompanying lifestyle coach guides. Additionally, the PreventT2 Spanish curriculum is not a direct translation of the PreventT2 English curriculum (see question 9).

4. Are organizations required to use the new curriculum?

No, you can use any CDC-approved National DPP curriculum. All previously approved CDC curricula are valid and can still be used.

5. When is the best time to switch to the new curriculum?

The new PreventT2 curriculum is available immediately. CDC recommends that you begin using the new curriculum when you start a new class of participants. This ensures that the same curriculum is being used throughout the duration of the 12-month lifestyle change program. However, if you would like to switch to the new PreventT2 curriculum with an existing class of participants, CDC suggests switching after you complete months 1-6 and before you begin months 7-12.

6. Can I combine PreventT2 with the original CDC-approved curriculum?

No, organizations should choose one CDC-approved curriculum for the full 12-month lifestyle change program. However, if you would like to switch to the new PreventT2 curriculum with an existing class of participants, CDC suggests switching after you complete months 1-6 and before you begin months 7-12.

7. Will my organization’s DPRP recognition status change if we choose not to use the new curriculum?

No, your DPRP recognition status is not dependent on your choice of curriculum, as long as you use one that has been approved by CDC.

8. Is the new curriculum for in-person delivery only?

The new curriculum can be used for both in-person and online delivery. There isn’t a specific online version of PreventT2 (or any CDC-approved curriculum); organizations need to adapt the curriculum they choose to use for online delivery.  Any adaptation for online use must strictly use PreventT2 curriculum content, since the content meets the current DPRP 2015 Standards and Operating Procedures.

9. Is the new curriculum available in multiple languages?

Yes, the curriculum is available in English and Spanish. Organizations are welcome to deliver the curriculum in other languages, as well, but must adhere strictly to the content in the approved versions and are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and cultural appropriateness of their translation.

10. Is the Spanish version of the new curriculum a direct translation of the English version?

No, the Spanish version of the PreventT2 curriculum was developed independently, with significant input from native Spanish speakers. It incorporates culturally appropriate examples of food, food measurement, and physical activity. It is intended for Mexican-Americans as well as other Spanish-speaking members of the U.S. population.  

11. What supporting documents, materials, or resources are provided with the new curriculum?

The new PreventT2 curriculum comes with a wealth of ready-to-use and adaptable promotional materials. Examples include fact sheets, brochures, print and web content and advertisements, social media content, video and photo testimonials from participants, and toolkits to help organizations reach out to health care providers and employers.

Both the English and Spanish versions of PreventT2 provide a list of recommended resources, including a calorie counter, a food tracker, and a weight tracker.

12. Will there be training for the new curriculum? Is additional training required for lifestyle coaches?

Additional training is not required to use the new PreventT2 curriculum. CDC is reaching out to training organizations that have a Memorandum of Understanding with us to walk them through the new curriculum.  These organizations can train other affiliates on the new curriculum, if desired.

13. How can I access the new curriculum?

The curriculum is available on the National DPP website at Curricula and Handouts .

14. Who can I contact if I have questions about the curriculum?

E-mail questions to State, city, and local health department grantees (1305 and 1422 grantees) and national organization grantees (1212 grantees) should send questions to their respective CDC project officer. The appropriate CDC team member will respond as soon as possible.

15. How do the National DPP; PreventT2 curriculum; Prevent Diabetes STAT: Screen, Test, Act Today initiative; and national prediabetes awareness campaign relate to each other?

The National Diabetes Prevention Program is a partnership of public and private organizations working to reduce the growing problem of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. The partners work to make it easier for people with prediabetes to participate in evidence-based, affordable, and high-quality lifestyle change programs to reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes and improve their overall health. The National DPP provides an overarching framework with four primary components:

  • Training (technical assistance and dissemination)
  • Recognition (including the DPRP)
  • Health marketing
  • Intervention sites (including grantee sites

The CDC-approved PreventT2 curriculum can be used by CDC-recognized organizations that offer the 12-month lifestyle change program.

Prevent Diabetes STAT: Screen, Test, Act Today is a national initiative that calls on front-line health care providers, community organizations, health systems, employers, insurers, patients, and families to raise awareness about prediabetes and to increase screening, testing, and referral to evidence-based diabetes prevention programs that are part of CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program.

The national prediabetes awareness campaign, developed in partnership with the Ad Council, the American Diabetes Association, and the American Medical Association, urges people to find out their prediabetes risk, confirm the results with their doctor, and participate in a CDC-recognized lifestyle change program.

16. Can states or local organizations use the original branding materials to promote programs locally?

CDC has updated promotional materials for the new PreventT2 curriculum. The updated promotional materials should be used instead of the original PreventT2 promotional materials that were made available in December 2013. The new PreventT2 promotional materials can be modified with local program names, logos, and contact information.
