Community of Practice (CoP)
In Focus
The documents/presentations posted on this website and its sub-pages were current at the time it was published or uploaded onto the web.
Federal policy changes frequently so links to the source documents have been provided within the document/presentation for your reference, where available.
The documents/presentations posted on this website were prepared as a service to the public and are not intended to grant rights or impose obligations.
These presentations may contain references or links to statutes, regulations, or other policy materials. The information provided is only intended to be a general summary. It is not intended to take the place of either the written law or regulations.
We encourage readers to review the specific statutes, regulations, and other interpretive materials for a full and accurate statement of their contents.
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), in collaboration with Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) have revived the Community of Practice (CoP) focused on leveraging Federal financial participation (FFP), including the 90 percent FFP State administrative match (a.k.a. 90/10) for Medicaid Health Information Technology (HIT) activities. The proposed participants in this CoP will include representatives from public health agencies (e.g., MU Coordinators, HIT Coordinators), state Medicaid offices and national public health associations.
This CoP will provide a collaborative forum for public health agencies (PHAs) to:
- Identify common barriers and challenges to obtaining FFP for public health related HIT activities
- Share successful models and approaches used to obtain FFP
- Establish best practices to identify and coordinate intra-agency initiatives and projects that may qualify for funding
- Develop guidance for HIT Implementation Advance Planning Documents (IAPD)
- Identify key aspects for successful communications and planning with State Medicaid agencies
- Share the latest updates and opportunities for PHAs
This CoP will meet using the GoToWebinar tool on a bi-weekly basis starting August 12, 2016. Pre-registration is required to join these meetings.
Webinar Information
- GoToWebinar will now be used for these webinars and pre-registration for this event is required. Please follow the registration instructions listed below to receive instructions on how to join this webinar.
- Your registration will be valid for the all of the currently scheduled monthly meetings.
- The instructions you receive will include a link to add these recurring meetings to your calendar.
- You are advised to test your GoToWebinar connectivity prior to the meeting by following the instructions provided below.
Webinar Registration Instructions
Register for this online event at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1408169107916539396
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. The invitation will include a link to add these recurring meetings to your calendar.
GoToWebinar System Requirements and Connectivity Test Information
View GoToWebinar System Requirements: http://support.citrixonline.com/s/G2W/Help/SystemRequirements
Connectivity Test Information:
https://support.citrixonline.com/en_US/gotomeeting/help_files/GTM140010?title=Test+Your+GoToMeeting+Connection. If you have any questions about this initiative or registering for these meetings, please contact us at: meaningfuluse@cdc.gov.
CoP collaborative forum Presentations
Date | Presentation Title | Presenters/Panel Members & Affiliation | Slides / Webinar Recordings |
01/27/2017 | Health Information Exchange in Nevada | Eileen Colen, Outreach Director | Presentation |
CoP collaborative forum Presentations
Date | Presentation Title | Presenters/Panel Members & Affiliation | Slides / Webinar Recordings |
12/02/2016 | Puerto Rico’s health information network – Funding assigned for Specialized Registry & Health Information Technology (HIT) Assessment | Presenter: Antonio J. Sisco Oquendo, Executive Dirctor and State HIT Coordinator for Puerto Rico Health Information Network |
Presentation |
10/21/2016 | Leveraging 90/10 Medicaid Funding: State of Washington Department of Health | Presenter: Bryant Karras, Chief Informatics Officer Travis Kushner, Public Health Data Exchange and Meaningful Use Coordinator |
Presentation |
09/23/2016 | Leveraging 90/10 Medicaid Funding: New York Citywide Immunization Registry | Presenter: Angel Aponte, Division of Disease Control, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Brad Duerr, NYSTEC Jim Kirkwood, Office of Quality and Patient Safety, New York State Department of Health Amy Metroka, Citywide Immunization Registry |
Presentation |
09/09/2016 | Medicaid and Public Health Community of Practice | Presenter: Thomas Novak, ONC/CMS and Tina Dorsey, Division of HIT and Program Support Director, Pennsylvania DHHS |
Presentation |
08/12/2016 | Medicaid and Public Health Community of Practice-Kickoff Meeting | Presenter: Thomas Novak, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, Washington DC and Jim Daniel Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, Washington DC |
Presentation |
08/26/2016 | Trading Partner Registration (TPR) System Colorado’s Meaningful Use Registration and Tracking System |
Presenter: Brian K. Moore, TDH Meaningful Use Coordinator, Tennessee Department of Health Heather Roth, MA, Program Manager, Colorado Immunization Information System, Disease Control and Environmental Epidemiology Division |
Presentation |
- Page last reviewed: September 12, 2017
- Page last updated: September 12, 2017
- Content source: