Print Materials for Parents of Young Children
These print materials focus on when children do and do not need antibiotics for common illnesses and provide tips for parents to help their children feel better even when antibiotics are not needed.
These print materials focus on the issue of antibiotic resistance and emphasize the importance of appropriate antibiotic prescribing and use. We encourage you to share these materials widely with your partners and colleagues.

Antibiotics Aren’t Always the Answer.
This tri-fold brochure briefly explains six simple and smart facts about antibiotic use and when antibiotics can help treat your child’s illness.
- Printer friendly version in color [2 pages]
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(CDC-INFO product #221260) - Order bulk quantities
(PHF product #GS-015)

Snort. Sniffle. Sneeze. No Antibiotics Please.
This tri-fold brochure briefly explains the difference between bacteria and viruses, what antibiotics are, and how bacteria become resistant. It also answers commonly asked questions about when a child does or does not need an antibiotic.
- Printer friendly version in color [2 pages]
- Printer friendly version in black & white [2 pages]
- View brochure in HTML
- Order free small quantities
(CDC-INFO product #999483) - Order bulk quantities
(PHF product #GS-002)
Fact Sheets

Preventing and Treating Ear Infections
This 2-page, full color 8.5″x11″ fact sheet fact sheet explains the different types of ear infections, and how they can be prevented and treated.

Get Smart About Antibiotics Week: What You Need to Know
This 2-page, full color 8.5″x11″ fact sheet provides a snapshot of the Get Smart About Antibiotics Week observance and highlights activities that partners can participate in to promote the week.

Antibiotics Aren’t Always the Answer – For Parents
This 2-page, full color 8.5″x11″ fact sheet describes antibiotic resistance and questions parents should ask their child’s healthcare provider to make sure they are getting the best care possible, which might not include an antibiotic.

Six Smart Facts About Antibiotic Use
This 2-page fact sheet briefly explains six simple and smart facts about antibiotic use and when antibiotics can help treat your child’s illness.

Fluid in the Middle Ear Q&A
This Q&A sheet provides answers to commonly asked questions about using antibiotics for a child who has fluid in the middle ear. It is designed as a Q&A sheet for parents.
- Printer friendly version in color [1 page]
- Printer friendly version in black & white [1 page]
- View fact sheet in HTML
- Order free small quantities
(CDC-INFO product #999488)
This fact sheet is also available in Spanish.

Runny Nose Q&A
This Q&A sheet provides answers to commonly asked questions about using antibiotics for a child’s runny nose when there is green or yellow mucus present. It is designed as a Q&A sheet for parents.
- Printer friendly version in color [1 page]
- Printer friendly version in black & white [1 page]
- View fact sheet in HTML
- Order free small quantities
(CDC-INFO product #999488)
This fact sheet is also available in Spanish.
Matte Article
Matte articles (also known as mat/matte releases or formatted releases) are formatted, ready-to-print articles that are free to use in any publication.

Sniffle or Sneeze? No Antibiotics Please
This article discusses how antibiotics do not work for viral diseases like the cold and flu, warns of the risk of antibiotic resistance, and offers tips for how to feel better while a viral illness runs its course.
If you want high-resolution formats for commercial printing, please e-mail the Get Smart program at It is also noted when you can order small quantities of the poster for free or purchase large quantities.

Antibiotics Aren’t Always the Answer
This full color 17″x22″ poster is planned for use in doctor’s offices, clinics, other healthcare facilities, and media outlets. It is intended to raise awareness about appropriate antibiotic use for upper respiratory infections in children. It briefly explains six simple and smart facts about antibiotic use and when antibiotics can help treat a child’s illness.
- Printer friendly version in color [1 page]
- View brochure in HTML
- Order free small quantities
(CDC-INFO product #221259) - Order bulk quantities
(PHF product #GS-016)

Snort. Sniffle. Sneeze. No Antibiotics Please. (African American Poster)
This full color 17″x22″ poster is planned for use in doctor’s offices, clinics, other healthcare facilities, and media outlets. It is intended to raise awareness about appropriate antibiotic use for upper respiratory infections in children. It explains that antibiotics are not the best answer for a cold or flu.
- Printer friendly version in color [1 page]
- Printer friendly version in black & white [1 page]
- View brochure in HTML
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(CDC-INFO product #999490) - Order bulk quantities
(PHF product #GS-005)

Snort. Sniffle. Sneeze. No Antibiotics Please. (Caucasian Poster)
This full color 17″x22″ poster is planned for use in doctor’s offices, clinics, other healthcare facilities, and media outlets. It is intended to raise awareness about appropriate antibiotic use for upper respiratory infections in children. It explains that antibiotics are not the best answer for a cold or flu.
- Printer friendly version in color [1 page]
- Printer friendly version in black & white [1 page]
- View brochure in HTML
- Order free small quantities
(CDC-INFO product #999491) - Order bulk quantities
(PHF product #GS-006)
Sample Letter

Return to Day Care Letter
When a child has been ill, many day cares will not allow a child to return without an antibiotic treatment. However, not all infections can or should be treated with an antibiotic. This letter explains that the child has a viral illness and will not be receiving antibiotics and should be allowed to return to day care once his or her fever is gone. Parents can print this letter out and take it to their child’s healthcare professional to sign, and then give it to their child’s day care provider.
- Printer friendly version in color [1 page]
- Printer friendly version in black & white [1 page]
- View brochure in HTML
- Order free small quantities
(CDC-INFO product #999485)
This letter is also available in Spanish.
- Page last reviewed: January 5, 2017
- Page last updated: April 11, 2017
- Content source: