About GeoSWG

	Data. Visualization. Science. Education.

The Geography and Geospatial Science Working Group (GeoSWG) is a CDC science-based organization of geographers, geospatial scientists, epidemiologists, statisticians, social and behavioral scientists, and others who work with spatially-referenced data, or have an interest in learning more about the relationship between geography and health.

GeoSWG seeks to promote, support, and ensure the excellence of the use of geography and geospatial science research within public health applications at the CDC. Additionally, GeoSWG seeks to facilitate communication, collaboration and partnerships among CDC geospatial scientists and with scientists and organizations outside the CDC. Finally, GeoSWG seeks to support recruitment, retention, professional development and advancement of geographers and geospatial scientists at the CDC.

GeoSWG membership is open to all CDC staff and interested persons working at CDC facilities, including contractors. GeoSWG organizes forums, educational activities related to the application of geospatial science in public health, and an annual GIS Day.

For questions or more information, please contact the GeoSWG Executive Committee at geoswg@cdc.gov.
