Geospatial Data Resources

Geospatial Data Resources are organized into four topic areas; Public Health Resources, GIS Data, Social Determinants of Health Resources, and Environmental Health Data Resources. Follow the links under your area of interest below to find publicly available datasets that are available for download and use in GIS.
Public Health Resources
These resources include links to publicly available health-related data sets. A few examples of what can be found in the links below include data on various diseases and conditions, and data on health behaviors, health resources, rural health, health indicators, mortality, and morbidity.
- Area Resource File (ARF)—Healthcare delivery system, demographics, economics, & environmental data (HHS HRSA)
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System—SMART BRFSS City and County Data (CDC)
- CDC Data and Statistics by Topic
- CDC WONDER—Online interactive health statistics report tool (CDC)
- Chronic Disease Indicators (CDC)
- Compressed Mortality Files—County-level national mortality and population 1968-2006 (CDC NCHS)
- County Bridged Race Population Estimates 1990-2010 (CDC NCHS)
- County Health Rankings—(Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and University of Wisconsin)
- Data.Gov (U.S. Federal Government Data Directory)
- Geospatial Warehouse (Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA))
- Guide to Cancer Statistics and Resources (National Cancer Institute)
- Guidelines for Working with Small Numbers (DOH)
- Health Data Tools and Statistics (PhPartners Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce)
- Health Indicators Warehouse
- Health United States—Annual publication on demographic trends in health statistics (CDC NCHS)
- Mapping Services and Data (HRSA)
- National Program of Cancer Registries—Cancer incidence 1999-2008 (CDC)
- Office on Women's Health Quick Health Data Online (HHS)
- Public Health Information and Data Tutorial (PhPartners Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce)
- Public Use Data files for NCHS Surveys (CDC NCHS)
- State Cancer Profiles—Tables, graphs, and maps for health planning (National Cancer Institute)
- State Health Facts (Kaiser Family Foundation)
- Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) (National Cancer Institute)
- Surveys and Data Collection Systems—NHANES, NHES, NAMCS, etc. (CDC NCHS)
- The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care Data Downloads
GIS Data
The links below lead to various sources of GIS boundary files and population data.
- American Factfinder—Decennial Census, American Community Survey, Economic Census, Population Estimates (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Cartographic Boundary Files (U.S. Census Bureau)
- County Population by Decennial Census 1900-1990 (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Data and Maps (ESRI)
- Geospatial Data Gateway (USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service)
- Guide to State Geospatial Data Resources (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Harvard Geospatial Library (Harvard)
- HUD USPS ZIP Crosswalk Files
- International Geospatial and Attribute Links (University of Arkansas)
- Metropolitan & Micropolitan Statistical Area Population Data (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Mineral Resources Online Spatial Data—Geology, basins, minerals (USGS)
- National Atlas of the United States (USGS) Note: Will go out of service on 9/30/2014
- Stanford Geospatial Center (Websites for Digital GIS Data, Stanford University)
- U.S. Census Aggregate Data and GIS Boundary Files 1790-2010 (National Historical Geographic Information System and University of Minnesota)
- U.S. State 2010 Population Profiles, Maps, and Charts (U.S. Census Bureau)
- The National Map (USGS)
Social Determinants of Health Data Resources
These resources include links that point to data, maps, statistics, and information related to the Social Determinants of Health.
- American Factfinder—Decennial Census, American Community Survey, Economic Census, Population Estimates (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Area Resource File (ARF)—(HHS, HRSA)
- Atlas of Rural and Small Town America (data)—USDA Economic Research Service
- Community Health Status Indicators (HHS)
- County Typology Code (for economic dependence and social policy themes)—USDA Economic Research Service
- Data Products (USDA Economic Research Service)
- Diversitydata—Measures of diversity, opportunity, and quality of life by U.S. Metro area (Harvard)
- Food Environment Atlas (USDA Economic Research Service)
- Health Indicators Warehouse (CDC, NCHS)
- RUCA V2.0 (Rural-Urban Commuting Area) Census Tract Data (USDA Economic Research Service)
- RUCA V2.0 (Rural-Urban Commuting Area) Zip Code Data (University of Washington Rural Health Research Center)
- Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Small Area Income Poverty Estimates (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Social Determinants of Health (CDC)
- U.S. Census Data 1940 to Present—ICPSR Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (University of Michigan)
Environmental Health Data Resources
The links below lead to data related to environmental health. Examples of what can be found includes data on superfund sites, access to parks, air quality, water quality, and much more.
- Army Geospatial Center (US Army Corps of Engineers)
- Data Resources (CDC National Center for Environmental Health)
- Envirofacts Datahouse (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA)
- Environmental Dataset Gateway (EDG) (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA)
- National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (CDC)
- TOXMAP Environmental E-maps (National Institutes of Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine)
For questions or more information, please contact the GeoSWG Executive Committee at
- Page last reviewed: June 17, 2016
- Page last updated: June 17, 2016
- Content source: