Events: CDC/ATSDR GIS Day 2017
Mark Your Calendar! CDC/ATSDR GIS Day – November 15th, 2017
CDC/ATSDR GIS Day – Call for Presentations and Posters (& the Annual Bake-Off)
DATE: Wednesday, November 15th, 2017
TIME: 8:30am – 4:30pm
LOCATION: CDC’s Chamblee Campus (4770 Buford Hwy NE), Building 106, Rooms 1A/B
PARTICIPANTS: GIS Day is open to CDC and non-CDC employees, partners, public health and GIS professionals, and college and professional students. Please feel free to share this information with others who may be interested in participating.
NOTE: All non-CDC participants must go through visitor clearance prior to attendance; please contact to coordinate.
Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, October 20th, 2017.
CDC/ATSDR’s GIS Day will feature a series of speakers highlighting GIS activities in public health. GeoSWG’s GIS Day organizers are actively soliciting abstracts for oral presentations and map gallery displays. Please submit your abstract by email to the appropriate session organizer identified below no later than October 20th, 2017. Abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee and presenters will be notified by October 27th, 2017 regarding placement on the GIS Day program. This is a great way to let others know about the work you are doing and to learn about ongoing geospatial applications in public health.
Register for the event here. Plus compete in our “Where in the World?!” quiz for a chance to win a prize, awarded at GIS Day. Both the form and quiz take about 5 minutes each to complete.*
Thank you!
GIS Days Organizers
* Please note, your name and email will be collected only to facilitate planning and coordination of CDC GIS Day and to identify the winner of the “Where in the World?!” quiz. This information will not be retained after CDC GIS Day. Your participation in this survey is voluntary.
Plenary Speaker

Our plenary speaker this year is Dr. Este Geraghty. Dr. Geraghty is the Chief Medical Officer and Health Solutions Director at Esri, a global company that builds ArcGIS, one of the world’s most powerful mapping and analytics software. Dr. Geraghty leads business development for the Health and Human Services sector, focusing on applying The Science of WhereTM to unlock data’s full potential in every health organization. Formerly the Deputy Director of the Center for Health Statistics and Informatics with the California Department of Public Health, Dr. Geraghty led the state’s vital records and public health informatics programs. There she engaged in statewide initiatives in meaningful use, health information exchange, open data and interoperability. While serving as an Associate Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine at the University of California at Davis she conducted research on geographic approaches to influencing health policy and advancing community development programs. In addition to her degrees in Medicine, Medical Informatics and Public Health, Dr. Geraghty is also a board certified public health professional (CPH) and a Geographic Information Systems Professional (GISP).
Oral Presentations
To submit an abstract for an oral presentation, please submit the following by October 20th:
- Title of the presentation
- Author(s) and affiliation(s)
- Short description of the presentation (150 words or less)
- Short bio of the primary presenter (150 words or less)
Presentation Organizer: Please submit items to Ian Dunn ( or contact him for additional information.
Map Gallery Posters
To submit an abstract for a poster, please include the following by October 20th:
- Title of the poster
- Author(s) and affiliation(s)
- Short description of the poster (150 words or less)
- Poster size
Map Gallery Coordinator: Please contact Elaine Hallisey ( or contact her for additional information.
Map Gallery Contest: All posters displayed in the Map Gallery on November 15th will be judged in the following categories – Best Analysis, Best Cartographic Design, Most Original, and People’s Choice. Winners will be announced in the afternoon.
Maps displayed at previous conferences are welcome. Submissions from CDC employees must complete the appropriate clearance process. The preferred height and width maximum for posters is 3.0 ft. If space permits, we may be able to display larger posters. To facilitate judging, please email a digital copy of your poster to Elaine Hallisey by November 8th (PDF format is preferred, but we will also accept PowerPoint slides). Participants are responsible for printing their posters and delivering them in person to Elaine by November 8th. If you are offsite and unable to print and deliver your poster, please contact Elaine for assistance.
Annual GIS Day Bake-Off
Any baked good representing a map, globe, etc. will be accepted. Entries should be brought to the CDC/ATSDR GIS Day event on the morning of November 15th.
Entries will be judged on creativity, presentation and taste.
Bake-Off Coordinator: If you are interested in participating in the Bake-Off, please contact Andrew Berens (
For questions or more information, please contact the GeoSWG Executive Committee at
For questions or more information, please contact the GeoSWG Executive Committee at
- Page last reviewed: October 11, 2016
- Page last updated: October 11, 2016
- Content source: