HIV/AIDS in China
- 0.058% Estimated HIV Prevalence (Age 15-49) (2011)
- 28,000 Estimated AIDS Deaths (2011)
- N/A Estimated Orphans due to AIDS
- 227,489 Reported Number of Adults Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) (cumulative - 2013)
- 42% Estimated ART Coverage per WHO 2010 Guidelines (2011)
China 2012 AIDS Response Progress Report, China 2014 AIDS Response Progress Report

Strategic Focus
CDC and the Government of China (GoC) partnered in 2002 with the goal of controlling the spread of HIV, especially in high-risk populations. CDC works with the National Center for AIDS/Sexually Transmitted Disease Control and Prevention (NCAIDS) and the National Center for Maternal and Child Health within the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) and five provincial CCDCs to develop innovative strategies to prevent HIV transmission, support care and treatment as well as prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programs, strengthen strategic information efforts, and build both laboratory and healthcare provider capacity.
Strengthening Public Health Systems
CDC provides technical leadership and collaborates with the GoC to strengthen epidemiologic capacity, conduct high-quality behavioral and case surveillance, and maintain laboratory quality control and improvement systems that are essential for a sustainable public health infrastructure. CDC also builds laboratory capacity for HIV antibody rapid testing, diagnosis of acute HIV, and quality control of CD4 monitoring.
Strengthening Surveillance and Health Information Systems
CDC builds in-country capacity to design, implement, and evaluate HIV/AIDS-related surveillance systems and improves the ability of broader national health information systems to collect, store, analyze, and use high-quality data essential for HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs.
Key Activities and Accomplishments
CDC provided technical assistance (TA) to NCAIDS on the following activities: the fourth revision of the National Free Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) Program Manual, which includes ART for hepatitis B and C co-infected persons and treatment-as-prevention for HIV sero-discordant couples; a national isoniazid preventive therapy manual for TB/HIV co-infected patients; and a national HIV/AIDS nursing curriculum.
CDC helped establish a national HIV drug resistance network, evaluate novel point-of-care laboratory testing technologies to facilitate timely access to treatment, revise HIV/HBV/Syphilis PMTCT guidelines (including WHO option B+ for HIV), and pilot integration of PMTCT services into routine antenatal care.
CDC supported the establishment of three rural HIV/AIDS clinical training centers. As of December 2014, a total of 300 graduates are serving more than 50,000 HIV/AIDS patients on ART in 16 provinces.
CDC supported NCAIDS in conducting six-month, in-service Provincial Program Management Training courses for provincial CDC program managers. As of December 2014, a total of 127 graduates from 30 provinces completed this program.
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