Democratic Republic of Congo
HIV/AIDS in Democratic Republic of Congo
- 1.1% Estimated HIV Prevalence (Age 15–49) (2013)
- 30,000 Estimated AIDS Deaths (2013)
- 350,000 Estimated Orphans due to AIDS (2013)
- 59,468 Reported Number of Adults Receiving Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) (2013)
- 38% Estimated ART Coveraege per WHO 2010 Guidelines (2013)
UNAIDS GAP Report, 2014

Strategic Focus
CDC has had a long-standing partnership with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Ministry of Health (MOH) since 2002. DRC is one of the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief’s (PEPFAR) 16 long-term strategy countries. Current HIV/AIDS activities are focused in the three most populated provinces of DRC: Kinshasa, Katanga, and Orientale. The CDC-DRC office focuses on providing support to policy development in key technical areas, preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT), preventing HIV among key populations, and providing care and treatment services. Additional priorities include supporting sexual and gender-based violence services, strengthening HIV laboratory and related diagnostic services, establishing and strengthening surveillance and electronic reporting systems, and developing human resources for health through the field epidemiology and laboratory training program.
Technical Assistance
CDC works directly with the MOH and other governmental entities as a trusted agency with evidence-based technical leadership and assistance to address DRC’s HIV epidemic. CDC provides direct technical and financial assistance to support specific program areas, including PMTCT, pediatric and adult HIV/AIDS care and treatment, HIV laboratory quality assurance, HIV surveillance, and HIV/AIDS data management systems.
Building Comprehensive and Integrated Service Delivery Systems
CDC provides technical leadership in developing comprehensive, evidence-based, family-centered treatment, care, and support services. CDC’s activities align with PEPFAR and the DRC’s National Health Development Plan priorities and goals, which are geared toward sustainable health systems and healthcare services.
Key Activities and Accomplishments
CDC and PEPFAR are major partners in DRC’s national plan for the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and for antiretroviral therapy scale up.
CDC is the key partner providing technical support for the development of national laboratory systems. This includes developing laboratory quality improvement programs for HIV rapid testing and expanding early infant diagnosis and HIV viral load testing.
CDC has supported the development of DRC’s HIV surveillance systems since 2004 and has been a key partner in the development of the country’s HIV program data electronic reporting systems since 2012.
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