Field Stories
STOP Goes Beyond Polio to Support Overall Immunization System Strengthening Around the World

The Stop Transmission of Polio (STOP) Program continues to prove its usefulness beyond polio eradication activities into broader immunization work.
A Model for Success: Multi-country Response Stops Middle East Polio Outbreak

Through the World Health Organization (WHO) and CDC surveillance system known as the Early Warning Alert and Response Network (EWARN), which gathers reports of illnesses from healthcare entities.
Kenya joins the world in ‘Closing the Immunization Gap’

The theme for this year’s World Immunization Week is “Closing the Immunization Gap” a slogan which challenges countries and public health practitioners around the world to address inequity in vaccination coverage.
Less Pain, More Gain: Measles Vaccination Using a Microneedle Patch Holds Great Life-Saving Potential

Measles remains one of the most contagious diseases in the world. Vaccinating children on-time and ensuring that each gets two doses of measles vaccine is critical to eliminating this deadly disease.
Strengthening Capacity: Keeping it Simple and Realistic in India

India is a big, bustling, multidimensional place, full of achievements that are both impressive and surprising. India, for example, is the largest democracy in the world and has the world’s largest postal system, the longest road network, and the most English speakers of any country on Earth.
Success in Cambodia: The Disappearance of Measles! (With Rubella Not Far Behind)

When something disappears, people tend to panic, except when what has gone missing is a dreaded disease like measles. Cambodia hasn’t reported a single confirmed case of measles since November of 2011, while its neighbors continue to face outbreaks, illness and death from this vaccine-preventable disease…
Train, Motivate, Mentor: Strengthening Immunization Systems in East Africa

The “clues” were everywhere. And in this case in rural South Sudan there were as many rumors as facts about an outbreak of yellow fever in Aweil, Northern Bahr el Ghazal State. So when Surveillance Officer David Deng began investigating, he followed a newly-learned approach that stressed discipline, thoroughness and data…
SURVAC Helps Improve Disease Detection and Response in Central African Countries

Elisabeth Pukuta Simbu is a biologist at the national laboratory in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where she and her colleagues detect devastating vaccine preventable illnesses such as rotavirus diarrhea and bacterial meningitis….
Strength in Numbers: Nigeria & CDC Work to End Polio

The question seems so simple: How do you finish the job when success seems so close? It’s being asked right now by public health officials in Nigeria, along with partners from CDC…
Vaccine Research Will Accelerate Eradication of Polio

The 21st century has seen a multitude of public health victories. Among them is the elimination of wild polio virus (WPV) in over 100 countries worldwide, thanks to successful vaccination programs…
Distinct Upbringing Helps STOPper Make a Dent

When 35-year-old Shafeeque Ahmad went to the three-week STOP program orientation in Atlanta, he knew he was probably the only one in the group of 177 from all over the world who had spent the majority of his school life studying in an Islamic school (madrassa).
Polio Eradication, Microplanning and GIS

Geospatial data have been used in public health since John Snow mapped cholera cases around the Broad Street water pump during the London cholera epidemic of 1854. And, while global positioning system technologies (GPS) are so ubiquitous in the United States that virtually all new smartphones, tablets and cars have this technology embedded, in many areas of the world, health care workers in the field are often without the most basic two-dimensional paper maps.
Thinking outside the Box: Innovations in Preventing Hepatitis B at Birth

Babies born into this world deserve a shot at being healthy. One of the best ways to give babies a good, healthy start is to get them the vaccines they need, when they need them.
Fostering Ownership of Childhood Immunization Data in Democratic Republic of Congo

Imagine having to balance your check book to decide if you could afford to make a major purchase if you had no idea of how much money you have in your account or how much you’ve spent. The best you can do is guess. In order to effectively balance your check book and make your purchase, you need accurate information (data).
CDC and global partners kick start new communications strategy to encourage polio vaccinations in Democratic Republic of Congo

While the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) had been one of the countries that had stopped polio transmission in the past, poor vaccination…
5 things CDC has done to help rebuild Haiti’s immunization system since the 2010 earthquake

In 2010, an earthquake of high magnitude tore through Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, causing destruction on a scale that most people can’t even imagine. More than 200,000 lives were lost and another 2 million people were displaced when their homes were destroyed.
- Page last reviewed: September 5, 2017
- Page last updated: September 5, 2017
- Content source:
Global Health
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