About the Core SVIPP Program
Empowering States to Save Lives

The Injury Center provides funding and technical assistance to 23 states through its Core State Violence and Injury Prevention Program (Core SVIPP). This program helps states implement, evaluate and disseminate strategies that address the most pressing injury and violence issues including: child abuse and neglect, traumatic brain injury, motor vehicle crash injury and death, and intimate partner/sexual violence. The program builds on the infrastructure that was established through previous iterations of the Core VIPP CE11-1101. The overall purpose of the Core SVIPP is to: 1) decrease injury and violence related morbidity and mortality and 2) increase sustainability of injury prevention programs and practices.

The Core SVIPP includes a Base and two optional enhanced components: the Surveillance Quality Improvement (SQI) and the Regional Network Coordinating Organization (RNCO) components.
- Base (23 awards of $250,000) – 23 states received funding to strengthen their injury and violence prevention (IVP) programs and policies and demonstrate impact in the reduction of IVP related morbidity and mortality. Funded states include: Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.
- SQI (4 awards of $150,000 each) – Four of the 23 Base funded states received SQI funding to conduct injury data investigations supportive of promoting and advancing uniform injury case definitions, improving data quality, and advancing methodology and exploring emerging sources of injury data. SQI funded states include: Colorado, Kentucky, Maryland and Massachusetts.
- RNCO (5 awards of $75,000 each) – Five of the 23 Base funded states received RNCO funding to coordinate across and between states (regardless of funding status) and collaborate with IVP organizations to share scientific evidence and programmatic best practices. RNCO funded states include: Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina and Washington.
- Page last reviewed: May 30, 2017
- Page last updated: May 30, 2017
- Content source:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control