CDC B-Roll

CDC b-roll is produced by the United States Government and is in the public domain. This means that the footage is meant for public use and is not subject to copyright law protections. Permission is not required for use of public domain items. However, we do ask that you cite CDC as the source.

Mosquito Prevention Video

This video shows examples of recommended practices of what people can do to protect themselves and their families from mosquito bites. Zika and other diseases can be spread through mosquitoes.

In the video are shots of applying insect repellant to children and adults, removing standing water that can be mosquito breeding areas, and properly installing window screens.

 Man installs indoor window screens  Man installs indoor window screens  Man installs indoor window screens

 Man installs indoor window screens  Man installs indoor window screens  Man installs indoor window screens

All images in hi-resolution

CDC Trioplex PCR test kit b-roll

The video shows scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention assembling CDC Trioplex Real-time RT-PCR Assay kits for shipment to qualified public health labs in the Laboratory Response Network and abroad. The CDC Trioplex Real-time RT-PCR Assay is a diagnostic tool for Zika virus. It is a 3-in-1 test, that allows doctors to tell if an individual is currently infected with chikungunya, dengue, or Zika viruses by using a single sample. This eliminates the need to perform three separate tests to determine which infection a patient might have.

The  CDC Trioplex PCR test kit includes four components:

  • First vial with the red top contains the dengue primer and probe mix
  • Second vial with blue top contains chikungunya primer and probe mix
  • Third vial with white top: Zika primer and probe mix
  • Fourth vial with green top: RNase P primer and probe mix to verify the presence of nucleic acid in the extracted specimen
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Trioplex test on March 17, 2016. The test will not be available in U.S. hospitals or other primary care settings.

PulseNet is a national laboratory network that connects cases of foodborne illnesses cases together using DNA fingerprinting of the bacteria making people sick. Various shots show a microbiologist going through the process of one type of DNA fingerprinting technique, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The last few clips show database managers analyzing these DNA fingerprints in the national databases in order to detect and define outbreaks.

Zika Prevention Kits for Pregnant Women

CDC and the CDC Foundation are partnering to create Zika prevention kits (ZPKs).  The purpose of a ZPK is to provide information and tools to support pregnant women and help them reduce their risk of Zika infection; the ZPK provides pregnant women with an initial supply of prevention tools including repellent, and products that kill mosquito larvae.

Photo of Zika Prevention Kits for Pregnant Women Contents Photo of Zika Prevention Kits for Pregnant Women Contents

Seasonal Flu Video

As a WHO Collaborating Center, and the U.S. National Influenza Center, CDC routinely receives flu viruses from laboratories in the U.S. and around the world. CDC tests these viruses using a variety of techniques to see how similar they are to the viruses used in the current seasonal influenza vaccine. When changes are detected that may negatively affect how well the current vaccine protects against a virus, CDC will develop a new ‘candidate vaccine virus’ that can be used to make vaccine that protects against the changed flu virus.

CDC Safety Training Course for healthcare workers going to West Africa

CDC trains U.S. healthcare workers deploying to work in an Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) in West Africa. Training session topics include appropriate personal protective equipment and environmental safety to prepare clinicians to work safely and efficiently.

CDC Exterior – Winter

This broll clip shows exterior footage of CDC’s Headquarters Building, Global Communications Center, and landscape in the winter.

A CDC Disease Detective Gets Ready to Go to West Africa

A CDC disease detective picks up her assigned gear in preparation for deployment to West Africa to fight the Ebola outbreak, packing a suitcase for deployment, packing maps of West Africa to aid in contact tracing, studying maps of West Africa, receiving protective gear to take to West Africa.

CDC Tobacco Laboratory

Laboratory scientists and laboratory equipment measure the physical properties and design of tobacco products. Scientists also collect and analyze the particulate matter and chemicals found in tobacco products.

CDC Quarantine Stations Answer the Call [Expanded]

Answering a call about an onboard illness on a flight about to arrive into the United States, grabbing a boarding bag and exiting the quarantine station, escorting an actor playing a sick passenger to an interview room, checking her temperature and interviewing her, escorting the actor to the CDC isolation room and continuing the interview, conferring about an illness response and contact investigation inside the quarantine station, footage of the empty isolation room and anteroom, footage of electronic message boards with health messages, loading and unloading the “go bag”.

Strategic National Stockpile

Footage of CDC’s Strategic National Stockpile, the nation’s repository of antibiotics, chemical antidotes, antitoxins, vaccines, antiviral drugs and other life-saving medicines and supplies.

CDC Quarantine Stations Answer the Call

Answering a call about an onboard illness on a flight about to arrive into the United States, Grabbing a boarding bag and exiting the quarantine station, Conferring about an illness response and contact investigation, Checking an illness response record, entering surveillance data into the computer, and entering the quarantine station.

Seasonal Flu Clinic/ Flu-like Illness

Patients who are exhibiting influenza-like illness come into clinic, a nurse examines a patient, and a sick boy has his temperature taken.

Flu Vaccinations

Employees are receiving an influenza vaccination.

Biosafety Lab 3 (BSL3)

CDC scientist in appropriate personal protective equipment isolates and tests for highly pathogenic avian influenza.

CDC Exterior

This footage shows exterior footage of CDC’s Headquarters Building, Global Communications Center, and landscape.

Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

CDC staff working in an activated Emergency Operations Center.