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School Health Services Staff: Best Friends for Children with Chronic Health Conditions and their Families

School health services staff can make a big difference in the lives of children with chronic health conditions and their families.
First Look: U.S. Youth and Seizures

Nearly 1 in 100 children and adolescents in the United States have seizures, according to the first national study to look at seizures, co-occurring conditions, household income, and access to healthcare for children and teens between the ages of 6 and 17 years.
Protect your children from environmental hazards
As parents and kids get ready to head back to school, it’s a great time for parents to update your child’s vaccine records. It’s also a good idea to be aware of your child’s environment and how it might be affecting their health. The environment affects children differently than adults. Because their bodies are still growing, children are at greater risk if they are exposed to environmental contaminants.
Simple Steps to Reduce Fall Risks
Every year, one in three adults over age 64 falls. Thousands of older adults die from fall injuries every year and about two million are treated for nonfatal fall injuries in emergency departments. But simple home modifications and exercises that improve strength and balance can help reduce the risk of falling.
Diabetes Among American Indians and Alaska Natives
American Indian and Alaska Native adults are twice as likely to have diagnosed type 2 diabetes than non-Hispanic whites. Rates of diagnosed diabetes among American Indians and Alaska Natives younger than 35 doubled from 1994–2004.
Teen Sleep Habits; What Should You Do?
Almost 70 percent of high school students are not getting the recommended hours of sleep on school nights, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers found insufficient sleep to be associated with a number of unhealthy activities.
Positive Parenting Tips: Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
Having a baby is an exciting time for parents. Learning about each developmental stage can help prepare you for the challenges and opportunities of parenting young children.
Positive Parenting Tips: Childhood & Adolescence
As children grow, they experience physical, mental, social, and emotional changes. Learning about each of these stages can help prepare you for the challenges and opportunities of parenting teenagers.
Learning the Signs of Autism and the Importance of Acting Early
To raise awareness about developmental milestones and the importance of identifying them and getting help early, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers free information and tools for parents, health care professionals, and early educators through it’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” campaign ( Research has shown that early intervention is key to helping a child reach his or her full potential. That’s why CDC wants all parents to “learn the signs” and “act early,” even if a problem is only suspected.
Keys to Healthy Aging
What is longevity without health? Adults today are looking not only to extend their lives, but to enjoy their extra years. By 2030, the proportion of the U.S. population aged 65 and older will double to about 71 million older adults, or one in every five Americans. The far-reaching implications of the increasing number of older Americans and their growing diversity will include unprecedented demands on public health, aging services, and the nation’s health care system. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) works hard to protect health and promote quality of life through the prevention and control of disease, injury, and disability. CDC has developed some keys to preventing some of the most common health issues facing older adults.
Latino teens happier, healthier if families embrace biculturalism
Parents of adolescents know that it can be challenging to make sure their teens are making healthy choices. Latino parents who have immigrated to the United States face an additional and unique challenge: raising adolescents in a new country and culture.
African-American Women and Their Babies at a Higher Risk for Pregnancy and Birth Complications
Preterm, or premature, delivery is the most frequent cause of infant mortality, accounting for more than one third of all infant deaths during the first year of life. The infant mortality rate among black infants is 2.4 times higher than that of white infants, primarily due to preterm birth. In the United States, the risk of preterm birth for Non-Hispanic black women is approximately 1.5 times the rate seen in white women.
Breathe Easier When You Know More About Asthma
Did you know that 1 in 10 Americans has, or has had asthma at some point in their lives? Most people don′t die from asthma, but there is concern for African Americans because asthma is more likely to cause death. The reason for this disparity is not known. But there are asthma control techniques to help people manage their condition successfully. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers this important advice to everyone with asthma – have an asthma action plan and exercise it. The CDC has a variety of information that patients and health-care providers can use to control asthma.
Help Seniors Live Better, Longer: Prevent Brain Injury
Anyone who cares for or just cares about an older adult—a parent, grandparent, other family member, or even a close friend—will say they are concerned about keeping their loved one healthy and independent. But few will say they are worried about a traumatic brain injury (TBI) robbing their loved one of his or her independence. That’s because many people simply are unaware that TBI is a serious health concern for older adults.
Hearing Screening for Newborns Important for Development
Babies begin to develop speech and language from the time they are born. They learn by listening and interacting witvh the sounds and voices around them. But, when a baby is born with hearing loss, many sounds and voices are not heard, and the child’s speech and language development can be delayed.
Most Parents Unaware of Possible Brain Damage from Untreated Jaundice
A majority of Americans are not aware of the serious potential risks associated with newborn jaundice, according to a recent survey. This national survey of nearly 5,000 Americans found that more than 70 percent (71.9 percent) of respondents polled had never heard of kernicterus, a condition that results from brain damage caused when bilirubin levels get too high and go untreated.
Why It′s Important To Learn About Cerebral Palsy Today
We all know the importance of making sure a child is healthy, but parents may not be aware of the signs and symptoms of major developmental disabilities, such as cerebral palsy (CP). CP, the most common cause of motor disability in childhood, is a group of disorders that affect a person′s ability to move and keep their balance and posture. Cerebral means having to do with the brain. Palsy means weakness or problems with using the muscles. The symptoms of CP vary from person to person. A child may simply be a little clumsy or awkward or unable to walk at all.
Why Alcohol and Pregnancy Do Not Mix
A mother′s alcohol use during pregnancy can cause birth defects and developmental disabilities. These problems are completely preventable if a mother does not drink alcohol while pregnant.
- Page last reviewed: September 21, 2017
- Page last updated: September 21, 2017
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