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Criteria for State and Local Governments Interested in Piloting Implementation of the Guide

CDC will pilot implementation of its guide on how to use the Pay for Success model in lead poisoning prevention programs in two to three lead poisoning prevention programs at the state or local level. This is an exciting opportunity for you to test and validate the guide for broad use in childhood lead poisoning prevention programs across the nation.

State and local governments will not receive funding to implement this pilot. During the pilot, CDC will work closely with the pilot sites over the course of 2 years, provide free technical assistance on implementing the Pay for Success model in their areas, and offer coauthorship on any resulting publication(s).

Interested candidates should read the how-to guide and submit a plan for conducting the proposed pilot to by July 19, 2017. Your plan should include information about the following:

  • Blood lead levels among children less than 6 years of age in your jurisdiction.
  • Your knowledge and understanding of using social impact bonds (e.g., Pay for Success) to accomplish predetermined outcomes.
  • A clearly defined population that will receive enhanced interventions and services that would prevent lead exposures.
  • Existing support from leaders, partners, and stakeholders to implement the Pay for Success model in your jurisdiction.
  • Your ability to collect, analyze, and report outcome data related to the pilot.
  • Your demonstrated success in program evaluation.

State and local governments will not receive funding to implement this pilot. CDC only provides funding to state and local governments for required activities under the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention cooperative agreement program. Implementation of the Pay for Success guide is not a requirement under this program.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to help test and validate an innovative CDC tool for broad public health use in childhood lead poisoning prevention.
