
Meeting Agendas Include:
2018 Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) for Infectious Diseases Annual Grantees’ Meeting
APRIL 11-12

Print Version of Agenda [PDF – 618 KB]
Upcoming Agenda for Wednesday, April 11, 2018
8:30am - 8:50am | Welcome and Introductions
Welcome and opening remarks
8:50am - 9:20am | Year-in-Review
Overview major ELC-related events in 2017
9:20am - 10:15am | New 5-year Grant Cycle
Information on the upcoming, new 5-year grant cycle (FY 2019 through FY 2023)
10:15am - 10:45am | Morning Break & Networking Opportunity
Morning break and opportunity to network. Coffee/tea service available for those who pre-ordered, as indicated by the star on name badge.
10:45am - 11:15am | NCEZID Updates
National Center for Emerging Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) Updates
11:15am - 12:15am | ELC 101
ELC 101: Nuts and bolts of ELC funding
12:15am - 1:30pm | Lunch
Pre-ordered Lunch Served Onsite & Networking Opportunity (designated tables)
1:30pm - 2:30pm | ELC 201
ELC 201: How to develop an effective work plan
2:30pm - 3:30pm | Workshops Session 1
Sessions Include:
- TBD – Topic from Foodborne, Waterborne & Environmental Diseases. [Offered only once]
- TBD – Topic from Tick Diseases. [Offered only once]
- How to promote the continuation and growth of your program? Start with a solid story. [Offered only once]
3:30pm - 4:00pm | Afternoon Break & Networking Opportunity (designated tables)
Afternoon break and opportunity to network. Coffee/tea service available for those who pre-ordered, as indicated by the star on name badge.
4:00pm - 5:00pm | Workshops Session 2
Sessions Include:
- REDCap Updates [Offered only once]
- TBD – Topic from Lab focused presentation [Repeats tomorrow]
- TBD – Topic from Foodborne, Waterborne & Environmental Diseases [Repeated from earlier session]
5:00pm - 7:30pm | Social Event
Social Event at Tin Lizzy’s located across the street at Emory Point (please refer to Walking Map in attendee folder for directions)
Upcoming Agenda for Thursday, April 12, 2018
8:30am - 9:15am | ELC 301
ELC 301: Post-award actions
9:15am - 10:15am | ELC 401
ELC 401: Something on Evaluation
10:15am - 10:45am | Morning Break & Networking Opportunity
Morning break and opportunity to network. Coffee/tea service available for those who pre-ordered, as indicated by the star on name badge.
10:45am - 11:45am | Workshops
Sessions Include:
- Lab panel presentation/Works in progress [Offered only once]
- TBD – Topics on Health Economics Modeling (HEMU) [Repeats next session]
- TBD – Topics on ELR and Health information systems [Repeats next session]
11:45am - 12:30pm | Peer-to-Peer Success Stories
Peer-to-Peer Success Stories: Grantees share benefits of collaborating with other jurisdictions [Offered only once]
12:30pm - 1:30pm | Lunch
Lunch, Networking, and Opportunity to Chat with CDC Staff (designated tables)
1:30pm - 2:30pm | Workshop Sessions 2
Sessions Include:
- TBD – Topics on ELR and Health information systems [Repeated from earlier session]
- TBD – Topics on Health Economics Modeling (HEMU) [Repeated from earlier session]
- TBD – Topic from Lab focused presentation[Repeated from previous day]
2:30pm - 3:00pm | Afternoon Break & Networking Opportunity
Afternoon break and opportunity to network. Coffee/tea service available for those who pre-ordered, as indicated by the star on name badge.
Please complete your 2018 ELC Annual Grantees’ Meeting evaluation when received.
A Survey Monkey evaluation will be sent to you via the ELC email account( for your feedback on the 2018 ELC Annual Grantees’ Meeting.
ELC (M1) West Nile Virus and other Arboviral Diseases Meeting

Print Version of Agenda [PDF – 263 KB]
Upcoming Agenda:
8:00am - 8:30am | Welcome and Introductions
Welcome to participants, overview of the agenda and meeting objectives.
8:30am - 9:30am | Plenary Session – The Year-in-Review
- The Zika Response 2017 Year-in-Review and Post-Emergency Response Plans
- Moving Beyond Zika and Into Comprehensive VBD Prevention and Control
- Identifying Critical Gaps in Our Current Surveillance and Testing Capacity
9:30am - 10:30am | Plenary Session
Interfacing with the Regional COEs
10:30am -10:45am | Morning Break
First mini break of the day.
10:45am - 11:45am | Breakout Sessions I
Meeting participants select the session they wish to attend
Theme – Vector-borne Diseases and Updates
- TOPIC 1: Tickborne Diseases Overview and Updates
- TOPIC 2: WNV and Other Domestic Mosquito-borne Diseases
- TOPIC 3: Laboratory Capacities Beyond Zika and WNV
11:45am - 1:00pm | Lunch
Break to get something to eat.
1:00pm - 2:00pm | Breakout Sessions II
Meeting participants select the session they wish to attend
Theme – Strategic Planning and Capacity Building
- TOPIC 1: Leveraging National Partnerships Toward Control and Prevention
- TOPIC 2: Stories from the Field – Vector Control Guidance and Implementation
- TOPIC 3: Emerging and Reemerging Vector-Borne Diseases
2:10pm - 3:10pm | Breakout Sessions III
Meeting participants select the session they wish to attend
Theme – Tools and Resources – Discussions/Sharing
- TOPIC 1: Roundtable Discussion – State Experiences, Successes, and Challenges
- TOPIC 2: Sharing Your Narrative and Budget Justifications
- TOPIC 3: Vector-Borne Diseases Across the Border and Cross-Jurisdictional Collaboration
3:20pm - 4:00pm | Plenary Session
CDC Funding Strategy Moving Forward
4:00pm - 4:30pm | Wrap up
Thoughts of the Day
4:30pm - 5:30pm | Technical Assistance Opportunities with CDC DVBD SMEs
Technical Assistance Opportunities with CDC DVBD SMEs
2018 ELC Grantees’ Meeting Preconference Workshop

Print Version of Agenda [PDF – 340 KB]
Topic: How much does that specimen cost? Estimate the cost of laboratory testing
When: Session One will Tuesday, April 10, 2018, 8:00am – 11:00am (During the morning of the Arboviral Meeting)
be & Session Two will be Tuesday, April 10, 2018, 1:00pm – 5:00pm (During the afternoon of the Arboviral Meeting)
Intended Target Audience:
- State and local level public health laboratory officials.
- Project officers and budget mangers whose tasks include budgeting for laboratory-based operations.
Please Note:
First 20 attendees who sign-up during the registration process may attend (due to room capacity limitations). No exceptions.
Description: The pre-conference is designed to show participants how to use a spreadsheet tool to estimate the costs of processing a laboratory specimen in a public health laboratory. It will feature a short presentation, followed by a “hands on” practical session. Participants will work through exercises designed to meet course objectives.
Workshop Objectives: Participants will, at workshop end, be able to:
- Identify, with the spreadsheet tool, the relevant cost categories to be used to estimate cost of laboratory testing of a specimen.
- Describe the various techniques to quantify the different cost categories, including what to do when there are little or no data readily available.
- Describe the assumptions required to complete the analysis and the limitations of the analyses.
- Understand how to use the estimates produced the spreadsheet tools to produce a draft report.
Workshop Materials: Participants will receive:
- Slides and supporting information
- An excel spreadsheet tool that the participants can use to estimate the costs of processing a laboratory specimen in a public health laboratory.
- Page last reviewed: February 13, 2017
- Page last updated: March 17, 2017
- Content source: