Published Models and Tools
One of the major driving forces behind HEMU’s work is the development of models and tools to address the growing health economic interests of various infectious disease programs. Examples of models developed by HEMU are listed below.
Examples of Published Models and Tools
Antiviral Effectiveness (click to download) , Select Technical Appendix [91KB]
This model was used to present estimates for the number of 2009 H1N1-related hospitalizations, by age group, averted due to the use of antiviral drugs given to treat clinical cases of influenza.

We concluded that approximately between 8,400 and 12,600 pandemic influenza-related hospitalizations were averted due to the use antiviral drugs during 2009 pandemic H1N1 Influenza (A) season.
CommunityFlu 2.0 (click to download) This model simulates the spread of influenza through a hypothetical simulated community, and the impact of using various interventions (e.g., vaccinations, school closings, wearing of face masks, patient and household isolation/self quarantine) to calculate the cost to the community.
Cases without intervention

Cases with intervention

The graphs are designed to allow a direct comparison of simulated influenza epidemic/pandemic data with and without user-selected interventions.
Maxi-Vac and Maxi-Vac Alternative (click to download) These models are used by state and local public health officials to assist with the planning of large-scale smallpox vaccination clinics with maximum patient flow-through.

Input value selections used to setup a smallpox vaccination clinic scenario.
- Page last reviewed: November 18, 2013
- Page last updated: November 18, 2013
- Content source: