Podcasts Produced by DVBD

A select list of podcasts produced recently on topics the division covers. For all podcasts produced, please visit the CDC Podcasts pages and search or browse their listings.

Dengue Fever

  • Recognizing and Treating Dengue in U.S. Residents

    An overview of the Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity Call: It's a Small World After All: Dengue and Malaria in U.S. Residents – Recognizing and Treating These Mosquito-borne Diseases. Date released: 6/15/2010

Lyme Disease

Rickettsial Diseases


  • Get Ticks Off

    (A Cup of Health with CDC)
    People planning outdoor activities this summer should be on the look out for ticks. Ticks carry diseases such as Tularemia and Lyme disease.

  • Get Ticks Off

    (A Minute of Health with CDC)
    This podcast discusses two diseases caused by tick bites, Tularemia and Lyme disease, their symptoms, and what to do if bitten by a tick. Date released: 7/16/2009. Length: 59 seconds

Vector-borne Infections: Emerging Infectious Diseases

West Nile Virus

  • Mosquito Alert

    (A Cup of Health with CDC)
    The most common mosquito-borne illness is West Nile virus. In this podcast, Jennifer Lehman discusses strategies for preventing West Nile virus. Date released: 7/8/2010. Length: 5:25 minutes

  • Mosquito Alert

    (A Minute of Health with CDC)
    ways to help prevent West Nile virus infection. Date released: 7/8/2010. Length: 59 seconds