Below is a listing of all the sample code and datasets used in the Continuous NHANES tutorial. They are organized by module and then task. If a module or task is not listed it is because it did not have a related program. Programs are available as SAS programs (i.e. SAS Survey Procedures and SAS-callable SUDAAN) and Stata programs. The datasets are SAS or Stata datasets for Windows.
These datasets are intended to be used with the tutorial only, as they may contain a subset of the variables available. If you wish to conduct your own analyses, please download the most current and complete datasets from the NHANES website.
Program code used in this tutorial follow procedures available in SAS 9.2, SUDAAN 9.0 or SUDAAN 8.0, and Stata/SE 10.0. Additional programs for SAS 9.1 and R are available at the bottom of this page.
These programs use variable formats listed in the Tutorial Formats page. You may need to format the variables in your dataset the same way to reproduce results presented in the tutorial.
Download Data Files
- Task 3: How to Extract and Copy NHANES Data Files to Permanent Libraries