NORA Town Hall Meetings
NOTE: This page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated.
College Park, Maryland – December 5, 2005
Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities

View a transcript of this meeting
“The prevalence of these problems [associated with work disability] emphasize that more attention be placed on identifying the relevant risk factors for onset, progression, maintenance, and the effects of innovative interventions.”
Cherise Baldwin Harrington Uniformed Services University Bethesda, Maryland

Afternoon break interaction. Left to right. Christina Bowles (NIOSH), Stephanie Pratt (NIOSH) and John Siebert (Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association).

Town Hall Meeting participants. College Park, MD.

Local Organizer Jacqueline Agnew (The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health)

Local Organizer Jack Dennerlein (The Harvard School of Public Health)
- Page last reviewed: June 12, 2012 (archived document)
- Content source:
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Office of the Director