Evaluation of Substitute Materials for Silica Sand in Abrasive Blasting
Contract No. 200-95-2946
Primary contact:
Mark Greskevitch, Project Officer
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
1095 Willowdale Road, MS PB-233
Morgantown, WV 26505-2888
(304) 285-6305
Report prepared by:
KTA-Tator, Inc.
115 Technology Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275-1085
(412) 788-1300
Contract Specialist:
Geraldine Puskar
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Pittsburgh Research Laboratory
626 Cochrans Mill Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15236
Phase 1 (Laboratory Investigations): September 1998

- Study Design - Protocol [PDF - 35 KB]
- Supplier Comments and Concerns
- Substrate Test Panel Certification
- Letter to Suppliers [PDF - 13 KB]
- Sample Inspection Reports [PDF - 195 KB]
- Process Control Charts and Statistical Analysis [PDF - 15 KB]
- Break Down Chamber - Drawing
Blast Cleaning Booth Drawing/Operating Conditions [PDF - 16 KB]
Drawing of the blasting cleaning booth -
Journal of Protective Coatings and Lingings Article
- Tables of Abrasive Performance [PDF - 40 KB]
- Tables of Industrial Hygiene Data
Descriptions of the Health Hazards [PDF - 39 KB]
Air Sample Results [PDF - 433 KB]
Air Sample Data Analysis [PDF - 106 KB]
Bulk Elemental Analysis [PDF - 76 KB]
Comparison of Airborne Concentrations to Bulk Concentrations [PDF - 86 KB] - Graphs of Statistical Attributes [PDF - 12 KB]
- Cost Calculation Table [PDF - 9 KB]
Report Tables [PDF - 30 KB]
Report Figures [PDF - 76 KB]

Phase 2 (Field Investigations): December 1998
- Study Design - Protocol [PDF - 25 KB]
- Containment Drawings/Blast Run Conditions and Productivity Data [PDF - 291 KB]
- Sample Inspection Reports [PDF - 121 KB]
Sample Pre- and Post-Medical Report Forms
- Tables of Abrasive Performance [PDF - 15 KB]
- Tables of Industrial Hygiene Data
Appendix B Glossary [PDF - 5 KB]
Descriptions of the Health Hazards [PDF - 38 KB]
Air and Bulk Element Analysis [PDF - 161 KB] - Graphs of Statistical Attributes [PDF - 11 KB]
- Cost Calculation Tables [PDF - 10 KB]
Report Tables [PDF - 21 KB]
Report Figures [PDF - 46 KB]
Phase 3 (Comparison of Lab and Field Investigations): March 1999
Hard copies of this report may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). You may contact them by calling toll free (800) 553-6847 or by calling the commercial number (703) 605-6000.
Phase 1: NTIS # PB99-105553. Approximate cost $98, not including $5 shipping and handling.
Phase 2: NTIS # PB99-140964. Approximate cost $54, not including $5 shipping and handling.
Phase 3: NTIS # PB99-140972. Approximate cost $29.50, not including $5 shipping and handling.
- Page last reviewed: March 22, 2012
- Page last updated: March 22, 2012
- Content source:
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Respiratory Health Division (RHD)