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Infographic: Prepare for Everywhere - Neighborhood Preparedness

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Prepare for Everywhere: Neighborhood Preparedness

Planning before an emergency is the best protection for your family and community.

Healthy Communities

  • Healthy communities more quickly and easily recover from disasters.
  • These communities:
    • Have a High Vaccination Rate
    • Have Access to Medical Care
    • Practice Healthy Behaviors
    • Provide Mental Health Resources

Engage Your Community

  • Start talking preparedness!
    • 53% of people receive preparedness information through conversations with neighbors, friends, or family.
  • Meet Your Neighbors
    • Know who may need assistance during an emergency.
    • Create a community network to share updates on events and emergencies in your area.
    • After a disaster, check on your neighbors to make sure they are safe.

Think about emergency preparedness in every part of your community

  • Neighborhood
  • Place of Worship
    • Create an emergency preparedness group to lead emergency planning.
    • Talk to your local or state health department about becoming a triage center to distribute medical supplies and medication during an emergency.
    • Develop a plan for sheltering people during an emergency.
  • Schools
    • Practice emergency response drills for different disasters.
    • Talk to parents about emergency communication during a disaster.
    • Share important emergency preparedness and illness prevention information.
  • Mobile and Online
    • Join emergency alert networks that can send notifications directly to your computer and phone.
    • Talk to friends and family about different online or social media networks that you can use to let people know you are safe after a disaster.
    • Stay in touch! Teach loved ones how to text and use social media before a disaster strikes.

The First Responder is You

The true first responders in any emergency are the everyday people living and working in their communities.

  • First Aid: Take training in first aid, CPR, or AED. Knowing how to spot symptoms and perform emergency aid can save a life.
  • Donating Blood: 1 pint of blood can save up to 3 lives. Donate and help your community.
  • Lend a Helping Hand: Help your community or neighbors clean up after a disaster, and reach out to those around you to provide emotional support. Disaster can be stressful, having someone to talk to can help.
  • Volunteer: Become involved in your community’s emergency preparedness, contact your local:
    • CERT Team
    • Medical Reserve Corp
    • Red Cross chapter
    • Local community preparedness groups

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