Archive by Date

- December: Increasing HIV Testing to Reduce Diagnosis Delays
- October: Taking Action to Reduce Overweight- and Obesity-related Cancers
- September: Recent Trends in Stroke Death Rates
- July: Promising Interventions to Improve Prescribing Practices within States
- June: Health Care-Associated Legionnaires’ Disease: Protect Patients with Prevention and Early Recognition
- May: African American Health: Creating Equal Opportunities for Health
- April: Zika Virus: Protecting Pregnant Women and Babies
- March: Arthritis in America
- February: Too Loud for Too Long ― Loud Noises Damage Hearing
- January: Good Healthcare Decreases Kidney Failure in Native Americans with Diabetes
- December: Preventing HIV Among People Who Inject Drugs: The Vital Role of Syringe Services Programs
- November: Partnering to Reduce Tobacco-Related Cancers
- October: School Sealant Programs: Providing a Shield Against Tooth Decay
- September: Medication Adherence: Helping People Take Their Medicine
- August: How Three States Tackled Sepsis
- July: Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention – United States and 19 Comparison Countries
- June: Innovative Approaches to Reducing the Risk of Legionella in the Environment and Preventing Legionnaires’ Disease
- May: Expanding Access to Effective Programs for Young Children with ADHD
- March: New CDC Data Tool: Antibiotic Resistance & Healthcare-Associated Infections
- February: Partnering to Prevent Alcohol Use During Pregnancy: A Call to Action
- January: E-cigarettes, Advertising, and Youth: A Public Health Priority
- December: Daily Pill Can Prevent HIV: Reaching People Who Could Benefit from PrEP
- November: Working Together to Stop Multistate Foodborne Outbreaks
- October: Hospital Support for Breastfeeding: Experiences from State and Tribal Partners
- September: Heart Age and Addressing Cardiovascular Disease Risk: The Role of States and Localities
- August: Stop the Spread of Antibiotic Resistance and C. difficile Using a Coordinated Approach for Action
- July: Addressing the Current Heroin Abuse and Overdose Epidemic: The Role of States and Localities
- June: The Rising Tide of Melanoma: Communities Play a Vital Role in Preventing This Deadly Skin Cancer
- May: Hispanic Health(
- April: Preventing Teen Pregnancy: A Key Role for Health Care Providers
- March: Keeping Truckers Safe on the Road
- February: A Breath of Fresh Air: Reducing Secondhand Smoke in Multiunit Housing
- January: Alcohol Poisoning Deaths: A Deadly Consequence of Binge Drinking
- December 2: HIV Care Saves Lives: Viral Suppression is Key
- November 12: Cervical Cancer Prevention: State Perspectives on Screening and HPV Vaccination
- October 14: Preventing Motor Vehicle Crash Injuries and their Associated Costs
- September 9: Schools in Session: Taking Steps to Reduce Sodium in Children’s Diets
- August 12: Progress on Children Eating More Fruit, Not Vegetables
- July 8: Success Stories: States Take Action to Combat Overprescribing
- June 10: Preventing Norovirus Outbreaks from Contaminated Food
- May 13: Increasing Physical Activity Among Adults with Disabilities
- April 15: Preventing Teen Pregnancy in Younger Teens
- March 11: Improving Antibiotic Prescribing in Hospitals
- February 11: Child Passenger Safety: A State and Tribal Perspective
- January 14: Alcohol Screening and Brief Counseling: An Important Part of Adult Preventative Care
- November 12: Colorectal Cancer Screening Saves Lives
- September 10: Preventable Deaths from Heart Disease & Stroke: Improving Care Can Save More Lives
- August 13: Progress on Childhood Obesity: Many States Show Declines
- July 9: Prescription Painkiller Overdoses Among Women
- June 11:When Food Bites Back: Act Locally, Control Nationally
- May 14: Hepatitis C: Testing Baby Boomers Saves Lives
- April 9: Preventing Repeat Teen Births
- March 12: Stopping Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae Infections: Making Health Care Safer
- February 12: Adult Smoking and Mental Illness
- January 15: Binge Drinking among Women and High School Girls
- December 4: HIV Among Youth in the US—Protecting a Generation
- November 20: Breast Cancer
- October 9: Teen Drinking and Driving: A Dangerous Mix
- September 11: Getting Blood Pressure Under Control
- August 14: More People Walk to Better Health
- July 17: Prescription Painkiller Overdoses
- April 17: Child Injury
- March 13: Making Healthcare Safer: Stopping Clostridium difficile Infections
- February 14: Where’s the Sodium?
- January 17: Binge Drinking
- December 13: New Hope for Stopping HIV
- November 8: Prescription Drug Overdose
- October 11: Drinking and Driving in the U.S.
- September 13: Adult Smoking in the U.S.
- August 9: Hospital Support for Breastfeeding
- July 12: Colorectal Cancer Screening, Incidence, and Mortality
- June 14: Foodborne Illness
- May 10: Asthma
- April 19: Teen Pregnancy
- March 8: Healthcare-associated Infections
- February 8: Cardiovascular disease
- January 11: Motor vehicle passenger safety
- Page last reviewed: October 17, 2017
- Page last updated: October 17, 2017
- Content source: