National Quitline Data Warehouse

The National Quitline Data Warehouse (NQDW) was established to assist in the evaluation of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded State and territorial quitlines and to provide a resource to states for ongoing tobacco control program evaluation and improvement.
Quitline services in all states can be accessed through a toll-free national portal number provided by the National Cancer Institute at 1-800-QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669). The NQDW collects data on callers to state quitlines including both 1-800-QUIT NOW and the state quitline numbers. States and other jurisdictions that collect NQDW data include the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico. Presently, 44 states and territories collect and report de-identified quitline caller intake information and the services provided to them.
NQDW data are used to:
- Determine the role quitlines play in promoting tobacco use cessation
- Measure the number of tobacco users being served by state quitlines
- Improve quitline operations, service quality, and access
- Page last reviewed: May 9, 2017
- Page last updated: May 9, 2017
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