History -
Tales from Today's PHAs
Motown - from Dick Conlon
Late summer 1975, Detroit
Michigan. I received an urgent call from the Emergency Room at Henry
Ford Hospital. One of our DIS (disease investigation specialist),
Brian Shepard, was in a terrible automobile accident. His car had
been broad sided at a high rate of speed by an elderly Detroit
resident. They needed me to come to the ER immediately because the
victim, Brian, would not allow them to treat his injuries until he
could hand over his "pouch" to his supervisor. "No
one else is authorized to handle this confidential
information," said Brian. I got there in minutes and was
escorted by 5 security guards to the treatment area. Brian, feeling
no pain, cheerfully handed over the pouch, and the doctors proceeded
with their care. Also, the medical staff was dying to know what
state secrets were contained in the pouch of papers. Names of VD
contacts I replied.....Brian was released soon afterward without
major complications.
to Tales from Today's PHAs