Author's Corner
What Really Happened to Wild Bill
A Novel by Robert Emerson
What Really Happened to Wild Bill is a believable detective story that blends real events with a fascinating character study. It is told from the perspective of Sam Elliot, who retires and moves to Tangipahoa Parish in Louisiana to be near his family's roots. He and his wife plan to spend the rest of their lives relaxing in a country home. However, by chance, Sam learns additional facts about the death years before of a friend, Wild Bill Jenkins. This discovery leads to chain of events that reminds the reader of The Third Man and On the Road dangers, Sam and his colleagues have to sort out false leads and legitimate clues to discover what really happened to Wild Bill. More>>
The Forty-Rupee Clock
A Novel by Robert Emerson

Sam Hernandez gets more adventure than he bargained for when he volunteers for World Health Oganization's Smallpox Eradication Program in India. He becomes the prime suspect in a murder. A gutsy woman from Scotland gets him involved in a search for her missing sister. And despite the on-going demands of the eradication effort, Sam becomes embroiled in foiling an assassination plot. More>>
Life is Great, Enjoy the Ride
Bob Keegan

"Life is great, but it's a bit short sometimes. I hope this trip has inspired you to fulfill your dreams. We humans have the capacity of turning dreams into reality far more than we think. Along the way, we can make the world a better place.... What is your dream? How will you make a difference? Don't wait too long!"... More>>
Mountain Seduction
Thao Le
Ten months later and you still seduce me
with your molting zebra outfit
you seduce me with your spiky ridges
your many valleys calling my name... More>>
The Wrong Battlefield
Theodies Mitchell Jr.

“The Wrong Battlefield” is a collection of poetry that describes my perspective as I pursued a military career that started during the civil rights era. Vietnam was my first assignment and was quite complicated for me. Initially I was trying to justify why I was there when I wrote the poem; “Am I my Brother’s Keeper?” But I was a changed man when I wrote; “To the World” and Forgotten”. The picture on the cover symbolizes the two sides of the struggle within me as I faced challenges from two battlefields, my military commitment and my responsibility to my people and me. The locations listed in the book don’t represent all of the places I’ve been but I included them because they are the areas where I was faced with challenges that had a major impact on my life. More>>
The Heart of A Bull
Theodies Mitchell Jr.

Theodies Mitchell spins a collection of lyrical prose that unifies a common theme covering the intricacies and nostalgia of love, Mitchell also digs deeper into the entire gamut of human fancies and frailties in this latest anthology of poetry. The Heart of A Bull is a perceptive yet authentic work of Mitchell's. More>>
Ready to Go: The History and Contributions of U.S. Public Health Advisors
Beth Myerson, Fred Martich and Jerry Naehr

Ready to Go begins to tell the story of the Public Health Advisor. It is written for several audiences: PHAs and their close colleagues, past and current employees of COC, public health employees in state and local governments and ministries of health, students of public health, for those who hope to make a contribution through public service and might consider such an unusual and rewarding career in public health, and for the citizen interested in our nation’s public health system... More>>
Man Of Action
Vic Tomlinson

This is an action-thriller about an ex-Navy SEAL who conducts search and rescue missions around the world. An excerpt from this book features a raid on a prison (gulag) in North Korea: "They squeezed through the opening in the barbed wire and ran toward the two buildings. The team members for Building 1 stopped at the entrance to the building and pointed their AK-47s at the door... More>>
Page last updated June 30, 2014
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