Public Health Advisors Project
What is the Project?
The Public Health Advisor (PHA) Project is a list that serves as an ongoing source of PHAs hired since 1948 to the present. The listing resulted from an analysis of several sources, including the Watsonian archival information, personal records, communications, and the Watsonian Society database. This listing of PHAs is not an absolute file, especially for hires before 1960.
It does represent the first ever attempt at cataloguing the names and period of hire for each PHA by year or five year periods. As a result, hiring trend analysis of Public Health Advisors is now possible by specific year and for 5 and 10 year periods. There are probably other names that could be added to the list, but the research did not identify them. However, the list represents a very high percentage of every PHA ever hired by the original Venereal Disease Control Program at the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) and the Centers for Disease Control. At a minimum, the list is the first ever historical record of PHAs and allows for persons to “find the name of good ole what’s his name and when he/she started.”
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- Alphabetical
[1.83 MB, 95 pages]
- By date
[3.39 MB, 97 pages]
How was the analysis conducted?
The “PHAs Through Time” file contains 3,600 names of persons who are, or once were, a Public Health Advisors, i.e., they held a position in a GS-685 federal job series related to Public Health Advisor type work.
Read more about the analysis....
Page last updated January 4, 2017
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