Radiation Emergencies
Protect Yourself and Your Family

- In a Radiation Emergency:
- Decontamination
- Types of Radiation Emergencies
- Preparing for Emergencies
Radiation and Health Effects

Information for Professionals

Highlights/What’s New?
Communicating in Radiation Emergencies: Myths of Radiation(https://emergencydev.cdc.gov/radiation/radiationmyths.asp) – a new training that introduces participants to some common myths of radiation and identifies communications strategies to combat these and other myths.
Radiation Thermometer(https://emergencydev.cdc.gov/radiation/radiationthermometer.asp) – a new tool to help put common radiation doses in perspective.
Radiation Hazard Scale(https://emergencydev.cdc.gov/radiation/radiationhazardscale.asp) – an emergency communication tool that provides a frame of reference for radiation hazards, conveying meaning without using radiation measurements or units that are unfamiliar to people.
Community Reception Center (CRC) Drill Toolkit(https://emergencydev.cdc.gov/radiation/crc/crctoolkit.asp) – this new toolkit helps communities, agencies, and emergency planners design and implement a CRC Drill.
Quick Links
- Population Monitoring & CRC Resources
- Legal Issues
- Potassium Iodide (KI)
- National Alliance for Radiation Readiness (NARR) & Other Partner Resources
- FAQs
- Radiation Dictionary
- Infographics
- Communication & Media Tools
- Radiation Basics
- CDC Response, Japan 2011
- PHEP Capabilities
- Radiation and Environmental Health
- Page last reviewed: July 10, 2014
- Page last updated: September 29, 2017
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