Information for Health Professionals

Note: Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with Vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices — United States, 2017–18 Influenza Season is available. Content throughout the rest of the influenza web site will be updated in the coming weeks. Refer to the 2017-2018 document for information specific to the 2017-2018 influenza season.

The pages listed below offer public health and health care professionals key information about vaccination, infection control, prevention, treatment, and diagnosis of seasonal influenza.

Flu Activity & Surveillance

Fluview logo

Overview and map of current influenza activity in the U.S.

Flu Vaccination Coverage

Fluvaxview logo

Coverage data and past trends of flu vaccination coverage in the U.S.

Long-Term Care Employers

Photo of a group of health care professionals, men and women, working together.

Long-term care employers toolkit to increase vaccination of health care personnel.