MicrobeNet: A tool to detect rare germs

Online library speeds up germ identification and outbreak response.

MicrobeNet, an innovative online library of nearly 2,400 rare and emerging bacteria and fungi, provides real-time access to help health departments and labs identify rare infections and save lives.

  • MicrobeNet helps laboratory scientists and doctors get the information they need to accurately diagnose causes of disease faster and save lives.
  • By using MicrobeNet, labs and clinicians know the information they are getting is reliable and approved by CDC disease experts.
  • MicrobeNet allows state public health experts to monitor disease trends in their state in real time and recognize when those trends might indicate an outbreak.

Joining MicrobeNet is free and easy. Labs can request access to MicrobeNet database to explore the capabilities of MicrobeNet and harness the power of ground-breaking tool.

Contact Information

CDC Media Relations
(404) 639-3286


“MicrobeNet can serve as an early warning system for disease outbreaks, alerting state public health departments if cases of rare or emerging diseases are increasing.”

John R. McQuiston, PhD – Team lead for CDC’s Special Bacteriology Reference Laboratory and lead for MicrobeNet