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Media Advisory

For Immediate Release: August 28, 2008
Contact: Division of News & Electronic Media, Office of Communication
(404) 639-3286

CDC Media Briefing on Preliminary Salmonella Saintpaul Outbreak Data


Dr. Robert Tauxe, Deputy Director, CDC Division of Foodborne, Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases
Dr. David Acheson, Associate Commissioner for Foods, FDA

Available to answer questions:

Ian Williams, Chief, CDC OutbreakNet Team
Michael Chappell, Acting Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs, FDA
Melinda K. Plaisier, Associate Commissioner for International Programs, FDA


Release of "Outbreak of Salmonella serotype Saintpaul Infections Associated with Multiple Produce Items – United States 2008" being published in Thursday August 28th's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.


The new report is a preliminary summary of results from one of the largest salmonella outbreaks ever in the United States and the largest foodborne outbreak in the last 10 years that is based on confirmed cases.


Thursday, August 28, 12:00 p.m., ET
Brief remarks followed by Q&A


The briefing will begin promptly; media should dial in a few minutes before the start of the conference.


Media: 888-795-0855
Listen Only: 877-602-6906
International: 212-287-1766
Passcode: CDC Media

Important Instructions:

If you would like to ask a question during the call, press *1 on your touchtone phone. Press *2 to withdraw your question. You may queue up at any time. You will hear a tone to indicate your question is pending.


Electronic Media and Youth Violence: A CDC Issue Brief for Educators and Caregivers was created in part from information in a special issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health. This journal supplement summarized the data from an expert panel meeting convened by CDC in September 2006. For more information, visit:

Listen-Only Audio Webcast

This media availability will also available via listen-only audio web cast at


A transcript of this media availability will be available following the briefing at the CDC web site at


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