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Fact Sheet
For Immediate Release: June 20, 2011
Contact: CDC Online Newsroom
(404) 639-3286
CDC Building 24: Media Fact Sheet

This summer, CDC will complete construction of a new research support facility to be located at CDC’s Roybal campus on Clifton Road in Atlanta.
Size: 12 Stories, 311,000 Gross Square Feet
Design Build Contract Value: $98,000,000
Office Space for 1,343 Personnel
Snack Bar
30% Energy Utilization Reduction
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold Level Certification
Design-Builder: Turner Construction Company & tvsdesign
Construction Duration: Summer 2009 – Summer 2011
Occupancy: Summer 2011
Location: Building 24 will sit between Building 21 (the new Headquarters Building which opened in fall 2005) and Building 16,
the old Headquarters Building.
Environmental Impact
The project is targeted to receive Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification at the Gold Level.LEED, administered by the U.S. Green Buildings Council, is a third-party certification program andnationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings.
Economic Impact
While the project was not initiated, nor funded, as a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, “we believe the project will have a positive economic impact on the local construction market,” said Sam Tarr, former project manager. About 1,450 jobs are associated with the Building 24 project including direct and indirect employment.
- Historical Document: June 23, 2011
- Content source: Office of the Associate Director for Communication, Division of News and Electronic Media
- Notice: Links to non-governmental sites do not necessarily represent the views of the CDC.
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