September 2016

Did You Know? is a weekly feature from the Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support to inform your prevention activities. We invite you to read, share, and take action!
View the Current Did You Know?
September 30, 2016
- Despite the benefits of regular exercise, 31 million adults aged 50 years or older are inactive.
- Many chronic conditions can be prevented or managed[PDF-1.6MB] with physical activity.
- Communities can create a culture that supports physical activity by making design enhancements and offering healthy lifestyle programs.
September 23, 2016
- Every second of every day, an older American falls.
- Falls among older adults cost Medicare more than $31 billion every year.
- Falling is not just a normal part of aging—it is preventable, and you can help keep older adults STEADI.
September 16, 2016
- About 70% of US adults aged 65 or older have high blood pressure, but only about half have it under control.
- Despite having Medicare Part D prescription drug insurance, at least 25% of adults aged 65 or older are not taking their blood pressure medications as directed—according to the latest Vital Signs report.
- Health departments can use and share important tools and protocols to advance blood pressure medication adherence.
September 9, 2016
- US lesbian, gay, and bisexual high school students experience substantially higher levels of bullying and other forms of violence than their peers[PDF-74KB].
- Bullying can occur in person or online, resulting in physical, social, and emotional difficulties and academic problems.
- Schools, teachers, parents, and community members can use proven tools and resources to recognize bullying and stop it.
September 2, 2016
- An estimated 100,000 people in the United States are living with sickle cell disease (SCD), an inherited blood disorder.
- Hemoglobinopathies monitoring, including the Sickle Cell Data Collection program, will help scientists better understand the health of people with SCD.
- Health providers and public health partners can access and share resources that help to improve the lives of those with SCD.
Did You Know? information and web links are current as of their publication date. They may become outdated over time.
- Page last reviewed: September 30, 2016
- Page last updated: October 13, 2016
- Content source: