Key Findings of the NHSN 2016-17 Data
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Starting in 2013, acute care hospitals report healthcare personnel (HCP) influenza vaccination summary data to CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) as part of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program. (Starting in 2014, these reports also include data for HCP working in hospital outpatient units as part of the CMS Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting Program.) CDC annually publishes state-level estimates of HCP influenza (flu) vaccination based on NHSN data; vaccination data from individual hospitals are made publicly available on the CMS Hospital Compare website.
- Overall, US hospitals reported that 87.6% of their hospital-based HCP were vaccinated against flu during the 2016-17 flu season.
- This is an increase from 86.4% reported as vaccinated against flu during the 2015-16 season.
- Among HCP working in hospitals, higher proportions of employees were reported vaccinated compared with licensed independent practitioners and adult students/trainees and volunteers.
- Reported vaccination among hospital employees was 90.5%
- Reported vaccination among adult students/trainees and volunteers was 87.8%
- Reported vaccination among licensed independent practitioners was 71.8%
- In all three HCP groups, proportion reported vaccinated was higher in 2016-17 than in 2015-16. Increases have been noted each year since reporting began in 2013-14.
- Reported flu vaccination among hospital-based HCP varied widely by state for all HCP groups.
- In 2016-17, pooled estimates from 22 states showed that 90% or more of hospital-based HCP overall were vaccinated.
- States and hospitals can use these data to evaluate the effectiveness of efforts to increase HCP influenza vaccination.
- Page last reviewed: September 29, 2016
- Page last updated: September 29, 2016
- Content source:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD)
- Page maintained by: Office of the Associate Director for Communication, Digital Media Branch, Division of Public Affairs