Do What Moves You: Student Activity Guide
Student Activity Guide (PDF - 362K)
VERB. It’s What You Do. Do What Moves You.
VERB. It’s what you do. It’s running, swimming, biking, skating, playing hard. It’s what you do with your friends. It’s whatever gets you moving—today and every day. It’s pure adrenaline and pure fun. It’s finding things you’re good at and doing them. Check out these VERBs and do what moves you!
Can you golf without a club and bowl without a ball? You can if you have a Frisbee® around! Frisbee golf is just like it sounds—you pick targets (like plastic garbage cans) and count how many throws it takes to hit the "holes." The player with the lowest score wins. For bowling, arrange pins (or empty milk jugs) in a triangle shape and take aim. While you’re at it, try some Ultimate Frisbee—think football—you try to pass it to your teammate past the goal line. Think of other sports you can play with a Frisbee and try them out, too!
Good basketball starts with good skills. Practice dribbling the ball by moving it in a figure eight between your legs. Use just your fingertips to bounce it to the floor, and try to hit it with both hands. When passing, snap your wrists to direct the ball and give it force. And remember—don’t ever give up your dreams. Michael Jordan was cut from the varsity basketball team in 10th grade. That didn’t stop him. Nothing should stop you—get out there and play!
Your legs give you the power for bicycling. And your riding position tells people if you’re in it for the fun or the competition. For general street use and getting around, most people sit in an upright position. Cyclists in a race or competition sit with their upper body bent closer to their hands, in a 0°–30° angle. This increases power and speed. Be sure to wear safety gear. What are you waiting for…grab your bike and go!
You can dance alone or with your friends, to music or to the beat in your head, to exact steps or the moves you just made up. Stepping, salsa, ballet, hip-hop, your own mix…the options are endless! So get moving! Can you imagine…the longest dance party included 56 people who danced nonstop for 50 hours?
In tennis, gearing up with the right equipment is important. If you weigh more than 85 pounds, you should be using an adult racquet; less than 85 pounds, use a junior racquet (the longest one you can comfortably use). For the right shoes, pick ones with good traction, cushioning and side support. Avoid running shoes. If you try to twist your shoes sideways like a sponge, but they’re stiff, they’re good for the court. Did you see that? Advanced players can serve a ball at more than 100 miles an hour, making it travel 80 feet across the court in less than one second!
Do you flip for gymnastics? You should…there’s something for everyone in this sport! Male gymnasts compete in the floor, vault, parallel bars, high bar, still rings and pommel horse events. Female gymnasts compete in the floor, vault, uneven parallel bars and balance beam events. The balance beam is about four feet off the ground and only four inches wide—that’s about the width of a loaf of bread! Want to see what all the fun’s about? Grab a friend so you can spot one another and check out to learn how to do handstands and cartwheels.
Did you know that more than 2 million people play roller hockey (no ice required)? An ice hockey player actually invented inline skates so he could practice playing during the off-season. Inline skates keep the game exciting and fast-paced. Don’t forget to wear wrist guards, elbow pads, knee pads and a helmet.
Take a hike…for real! America’s National Parks have more than 12,000 miles of trails! So, grab your friends and family and hit the trails! What not to forget when you go hiking: good sneakers or boots with thick bottoms, layered clothes, backpack, water, flashlight, map, compass, sunscreen, bug repellent, first-aid kit, extra socks and food (like sports bars or trail mix). The adult you’re with should have waterproof matches and a pocketknife. Check out for more hiking info and to find trails near you.
Footbags, also known as Hackey Sacks®, are not just for tossing around with your friends—they’re actually used in competitive sports. There’s footbag freestyle, where players choreograph routines to music. Then there are singles and doubles court games like tennis and volleyball where players use their feet to kick the footbag over a 5-foot-high net. Give it a try…tie a piece of string between two poles or trees. You could be a footbag champ and you don’t even know it!
So you think jumping rope is only a girls’ sport? Think again. For years, boxers have realized what a great workout it is, and now other professional athletes, especially in basketball and tennis, are catching on, too. Jumpers of all ages can participate in national competitions in categories like speed, freestyle and double-dutch. Once you get the basics down, there’s a ton of tricks you can try, too. So, grab your friends, turn up the music and jump for it!
Did you know that soccer players can run as many as 6 or 7 miles during just one game? Kick up your play with these basic skills:
- passing: moving the ball to a teammate with a controlled kick
- dribbling: tapping the ball with your feet to move it down the field
- trapping: stopping the ball with your feet, legs or chest
- heading: using your head to stop or pass the ball
No field? No problem! Play at a park, your backyard or the playground—just use cones, water bottles or other objects to mark the goals!
Track and field, or "athletics," is the original Olympic® sport, dating as far back as 776 BC. It’s about running fast, jumping high and throwing far. Track and field includes track events like sprints, long-distance running and relays; field events like long and high jumps, pole vault and javelin throws; road events like marathons and race walks; and combined events where athletes compete over two days in a series of events.
In the 2000 Olympics, Marion Jones became the first woman to win five medals in athletics in the same Olympics! She won three gold and two bronze! See if leap is your VERB and try track on for size!
Don’t ever be bored! Make merge your VERB and combine two sports to make a new one! It’s been done before with great results…
- Wakeboarding
Just be sure that when you merge your sports, you merge the right safety gear that goes with each of them!
Keep track of how often you move and what you do to get going. And remember, there’s more fun in numbers—get your friends together for a game of soccer or for a jog after school. What’s the number of opportunities you have to get moving? Over 365! Every day of the week, do what moves you.
Keep an open mind. Badminton, field hockey, karate, skateboarding, water polo…there are so many options! You never know what’s going to move you or what you’re really good at unless you try it. So, be open to trying new activities and creating them, too.
Golf began in Scotland as early as the 1400s, when golfers played in the street with a leather-covered ball stuffed with feathers. Today, each golf hole begins at the tee, a flat area from which the golfer takes the first stroke, or shot. The fairway is a stretch of grass from the tee to the green. The green, at the end of the fairway, contains the hole.
Par is the standard number of strokes given to each hole on the golf course (it’s given on the scorecard). (If you score "the par" on a course, you’ve done great!) An eagle is a score of two under par on a hole, a birdie is a score of one under par and a bogey is a score of one over par. A hole in one is a score of one on a hole…and pretty amazing! Ask an adult to teach you how to golf, and play only in designated areas.
Developed over 1,000 years ago, Taekwondo is a type of martial art that comes from Korea and means "the way of the foot and fist." Started as a method of self-defense, Taekwondo is known for its high kicks (including the quadruple kick). Striking and blocking hand movements are also important. Find out about other kinds of martial arts at and get those legs in the air!
No matter how much you have to run the field in lacrosse, it’s nothing compared to how the sport all started. Developed by Native Americans who considered it good practice for strength building and endurance, lacrosse teams could have as many as hundreds or thousands of players, goals were usually miles apart and games lasted as long as three days! The goal of lacrosse is to shoot a small rubber ball past a goaltender into a net using a long stick with a small triangular basket (the head) attached to one end. The most important skills for beginners to practice are throwing, catching and cradling the ball.
Knowing when to slide in baseball and softball is almost an art form in itself. Here are some general rules: slide to avoid a tag, stop at the base, break up a double play, get back to base, and any time the play is close. Land on your rear with your head up as you lean back and keep your arms out for balance.
Did you know that a major league pitcher can throw a baseball up to 95 miles an hour—which takes less than 1.2 second for the ball to cross the plate? How do you hit something that fast? Pump up your muscles! The faster the bat is swung, the harder it hits the ball, and the faster and farther the ball will go!
Go long—flag football’s the game! Usually played with five players on each team, the offensive team plays for a first down at the middle of the field, and a touchdown in the end zone. The defensive team covers receivers, rushes the passer and grabs flags to make "tackles."
Did you know that the numbers worn on football players’ uniforms represent the positions they play? For instance, wide receivers and tight ends have numbers between 80–89. Come up with your own system the next time you and your friends play flag football!
Whether you’re getting ready for a run after school with your friends or a basketball game at the park, warming up your muscles is important! It improves your performance and reduces muscle stiffness. Warm up before any activity with 5–10 minutes of light jogging and 10–15 minutes of stretching. Cooling down after activity is also key—it allows the muscles to recover. Cool down with 10–15 minutes of easy movement, like walking, and 15–20 minutes of stretching. Also remember to re-fuel after activity with plenty of water, and eat food that’s easy to digest, like fruit.
William G. Morgan invented volleyball in 1895 by blending ideas from basketball, baseball, tennis and handball. He originally called it "mintonette." Passing and serving are the most important skills to master in volleyball, and you can practice them with just a couple of friends and a ball. Find a soft court or clearing of sand or grass and clean up any sharp objects that you see. Some basic rules to remember are that the same player isn’t allowed to hit the ball twice in a row, and a team cannot hit the ball more than three times to get it over the net.
Sure, walking can get you from one place to another, but it’s also a great physical activity that doesn’t require a lot of equipment. It’s always an option, it can help you relax and refresh yourself, and you can do it alone or with your family and friends. Check out the best walking routes with your parents and always let them know where you are. Wear bright colored clothing or reflectors so drivers can see you. Drink water before, during and after your walk to keep hydrated.
Just think…if you walk 2,000 steps each day, you’ll walk a mile! And don’t forget to breathe while you walk! Did you know lizards can’t do both at the same time? They have to stop to take breaths when they’re running!
Before skiing was a sport, it was used as a form of transportation in the mountains of Europe. "Xross" country skiing is still a great activity that’s fun for everyone. It helps develop strength in your arms, legs, back, shoulders and abdominals; and you might get to see some cool scenery while you’re at it! Get the right gear by first picking skis and boots that are the right size for you. You’ll also need a ski helmet, ski poles for balance and goggles to protect your eyes. If skiing isn’t available where you live, try Xross country running.
The word yoga comes from an ancient language that means to yoke or unite your body, mind and spirit. Yoga has been around for more than 5,000 years and is popular today, no matter what sports you like. That’s because yoga gives you a full-body workout, and increases your flexibility, endurance and ability to focus. It also helps you relieve stress. All you need is comfortable clothing, bare feet and an exercise or yoga mat (a folded up blanket on a carpeted floor works, too). Did you know that a lot of yoga poses are based on animals and the different postures they do in nature?
Can you believe it…there are more than 30 million people in the United States who like to zip around on inline skates? Inline skating can help you develop balance and coordination for other sports, and it’s fun all by itself! Safety gear is extremely important when skating! You need to wear a helmet (also called a brain bucket), elbow pads, knee pads and wrist guards. Once you’re comfortable on your skates, zip around the park with your friends. Or, make up your own games wearing inline skates. Roll on!
©2003 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Created by Lifetime Learning Systems®, Inc., a division of Weekly Reader.
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- Page last reviewed: August 1, 2007 Historical Document
- Page last updated: August 1, 2007
- Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health
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