Logic Model
Youth Media Campaign Longitudinal Survey, 2002–2004
The Logic Model (PDF 44K) describes the sequence of events for bringing about behavior change.It presents the relationship between campaign inputs (research and consultation), campaign activities (marketing and partnership tactics), the impact on outputs (number of people exposed) and outcomes (knowledge, attitude, and behavior change).
Campaign Vision: All youth leading healthy lifestyles.
Campaign Mission: To increase and maintain physical activity among tweens (9-13 year olds).
The inputs of the campaign are
- Consultants
- Staff
- Research and evaluation
- Contractors
- Community infrastructure
- Partnerships
All of these inputs contribute to the campaign activities. The campaign activities include
- Advertising
- Promotions
- Web
- Public relations
- National and community outreach
All of these activities lead to short-term outcomes for both the tween and parent audiences. The short-term outcome for the campaign is tween and parent awareness of the campaign brand and its messages and “buzz” about the campaign and brand messages. Awareness and buzz of the campaign brand and messages lead to mid-term outcomes that include changes in
- Subjective norms
- Beliefs
- Self-efficacy, and
- Perceived behavioral control
The logic indicates that if these changes are to occur, there will be a positive “buzz” among tweens about physical activity and these responses will lead to tweens enlisting support from their parents to participate in physical activity.
Awareness and understanding of the campaign and brand messages by parents leads to changes for parents in knowledge, beliefs, and expectations.
Campaign planners hypothesize that as parents internalize changes in Knowledge, Beliefs, and Expectations, parents will support tween’s participation in physical activity, enhanced by tweens enlisting support from them. As depicted in the model, planners also expect that as parents prioritize their child’s physical activity needs, the parents, as well as other influencers of tweens (e.g., coaches, teachers), will mobilize and advocate for physical activity.
The mobilization of parents and influencers as advocates for physical activity as well as national and community outreach lead to the availability of (and access to) organized and non-organized settings for physical activity.
Tweens’ behavioral intention as well as available and accessible settings are likely to get in tweens engaging in physical activity.
The long-term outcomes include tweens engaging in and maintaining physical activity, thereby reducing chronic diseases. The model also indicates that there is a possible displacement strategy that tweens who participate in physical activity may also have less unhealthy, risky behaviors.
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- Page last reviewed: August 1, 2007 Historical Document
- Page last updated: October 24, 2008
- Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health
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